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The Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000
Ljubljana, on the basis of Article 11 of the
Rules on procedures for financing,
co-financing, evaluating and monitoring the implementation of research
activities (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 52/16, 79/17, 65/19, 78/20 and
145/20), in connection with Article 15 of the
Research and Development Activity
Act (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 22/06 - official consolidated text,
61/06-ZDru-1 112/07, 9/11, 57/12-ZPOP-1A, 21/18-ZNOrg and 9/19) and on the basis
of the Methodology for the assessment of applications to calls No.
6319-2/2013-38 of 5 June 2017 - official consolidated text, 6319-2/2013-39 of 11
December 2017, 6319-2/2013-40 of 22 January 2018, 6319-2/2013-41 of 1 February
2018, 6319-2/2013-42 of 19 February 2018, 6319-2/2013-43 of 5 March 2018,
6319-2/2013-44 of 14 May 2018, 6319-2/2013-45 of 20 June 2018, 6319-2/2013-46 of
9 July 2018, 6319-2/2013-47 of 17 August 2018, 6319-2/2013-48 of 18 October
2018, 6319-2/2013-49 of 19 November 2018, 6319-2/2013-50 of 17 December 2018,
6319-2/2013-51 of 4 February 2019, 6319-2/2013-52 of 18 February 2019,
631-2/2013-53 of 13 May 2019, 6319-2/2013-54 of 14 October 2019, 6319-2/2013-55
of 28 October 2019, 6319-2/2013-56 of 2 December 2019, 6319-2/2013-57 of 3
February 2020, 6319-2/2013-58 of 18 May 2020, 6319-2/2013-59 of 14 September
2020, 6319-2/2013-60 of 5 October 2020, 6319-2/2013-61 of 30 November 2020,
6319-2/2013-62 of 4 January 2021, 6319-2/2013-63 of 19 April 2021,
6319-2/2013-64 of 5 July 2021 and 6319-2/2013-65 of 6 December 2021, hereby
Public call for the (co-)financing of research projects in 2022
Title and address of the budgetary funds user
Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter
referred to as: the Agency).
Subject of the Call
The subject of the Public call for the (co-)financing of research projects in
2022 (hereinafter referred to as: the Call) is the (co-)financing of research
small basic research projects (hereinafter: basic projects) and small
applied research projects (hereinafter: applied projects)
post-doctoral basic and post-doctoral applied research projects
(hereinafter: post-doctoral basic projects, post-doctoral applied projects)
small basic research projects - Dr. Aleš Debeljak Programme (hereinafter:
basic research projects - AD Programme)
major basic research projects (hereinafter: major projects).
Amount of funds for the Call
The estimated annual amount of funding for the realisation of items 2.a and 2.b
of this Call is €16,400,000.00. When allocating funds for the co-financing of
research projects as part of the implementation of the Call, the distribution of
funds is considered by scientific discipline per annum so that the ratio of
resources among scientific disciplines in 2022 is approximately the same as the
ratio in 2021.
The estimated annual amount of funding for the realisation of item 2.c of this
Call is €1,200,000.00.
The estimated annual amount of funding for the realisation of item 2.d of this
Call is €4,000,000.00.
The Call will be realised in view of the funding resources available in the
budget of the Republic of Slovenia and the Agency's financial plan.
3.1. Distribution of approximate annual funds in the amount of
€16,400,000.00 per scientific discipline:
Scientific disciplines |
Ratio of funds in 2021 (in %) |
Ratio of resources in the Call (in %) |
Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
21.0 |
20.1 |
Engineering |
27.6 |
30.0 |
Medical Sciences |
13.5 |
12.2 |
Biotechnical Sciences |
11.7 |
11.8 |
Social Sciences |
10.9 |
11.0 |
Humanities |
15.3 |
14.9 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Approximately 10% of the funding of each scientific discipline is allocated to
interdisciplinary studies. Applicants for interdisciplinary projects must state
the sustainable development objective of their research project proposal when
List of sustainable development objectives defined by the ministry of science:
Eradication of poverty
Eradication of hunger
Health and wellbeing
Quality education
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Aquatic life
Terrestrial life
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Partnerships for the achievement of goals
Short descriptions of the sustainable development objectives and their relevant
thematic fields or research fields are published on the Agency's website (Indicators (
Information about the capacity of research fields is published on the
Agency's website.
3.2. Amount of (co-)financing
Basic and applied projects will be financed in the approximate annual amount of
€100,000. Any project applying for €100,000 may be approved for either €100,000
or €50,000.
Calculated in terms of effective project research hours, this equates to
approximately 2993 hours annually in Price Class A (1497 for projects valued at
€50,000), 2667 hours annually in Price Class B (1334 for projects valued at
€50,000), 2344 hours annually in Price Class C (1172 for projects valued at
€50,000), 2108 hours annually in Price Class D (1054 for projects valued at
€50,000), 1919 hours annually in Price Class E (960 for projects valued at
€50,000) or 1761 hours annually in Price Class F (880 for projects valued at
Basic research projects - AD Programme will be financed in the approximate
annual amount of €100,000. Calculated in terms of effective project research
hours, this equates to approximately 2993 hours annually in Price Class A, 2667
hours annually in Price Class B, 2344 hours annually in Price Class C, 2108
hours annually in Price Class D, 1919 hours annually in Price Class E or 1761
hours annually in Price Class F.
The scope of a post-doctoral project is 1700 effective research hours annually
(1 FTE) in Price Category B.
Major projects will be financed in the approximate annual amount of €500,000.
Calculated in terms of effective project research hours, this equates to
approximately 14,966 hours annually in Price Class A, 13,337 hours annually in
Price Class B, 11,718 hours annually in Price Class C, 10,542 hours annually in
Price Class D, 9595 hours annually in Price Class E or 8804 hours annually in
Price Class F.
The Agency will finance up to 100% of eligible project costs for basic projects,
post-doctoral basic projects, basic research projects - AD Programme and major
projects. The Agency will finance up to 75% of eligible project costs for
applied projects and post-doctoral applied projects. The co-financing of a
post-doctoral applied project by the Agency amounts to 1275 effective research
hours annually (0.75 FTE) in Price Category B.
The applicant of an applied project or post-doctoral applied project must ensure
that at least 25% of eligible project costs are covered by other interested
users and submit proof of the project’s co-financing (a co-financing agreement)
for the entire period of the project’s implementation in view of the value of
the effective research hours at the start of financing. Projects cannot be
co-financed by research organisations listed in the register of ROs, with the
exception of corporate entities. (Co-)financing can only be in monetary form.
A (co-)financer of an applied project may also be a (co-)implementer of the same
applied project, not exceeding 10% of the scope of the project financed by the
Agency, unless they are the applicant of the same applied project.
In view of the number of effective research hours financed by the budget of the
Republic of Slovenia, the Agency will, in accordance with the provisions of the
Decree on norms and standards used to determine funding for research activities
financed by the budget of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the
Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 103/11, 56/12, 15/14, 103/15, 27/17, 9/18, 62/19 and
105/20), finance an individual researcher in view of the ratio of employment
options for research, but for no more than 1700 effective research hours per
annum. The minimum annual workload of a researcher per individual project is 17
hours. The participating RO must collaborate for at least 170 hours during the
period of the project’s implementation, whereby the minimum amount of RO
collaboration is 170 hours per annum. During the project’s implementation, the
number of hours rendered annually by the participating RO can be 0.
Entities who are eligible for application to the Call
The Call is open to research organisations registered in the database of
research and development activity providers (hereinafter referred to as: the RO
records) as well as private researchers registered in the register of private
researchers, with both the RO records and the register being kept by the Agency,
and that meet the requirements set out in the Research
and Development Activity Act and in the Rules
on procedures for financing, co-financing, evaluating and monitoring the
implementation of research activities (hereinafter referred to as: the
Rules). Only research organisations can apply for the basic research projects -
AD Programme and major projects.
If there are several providers of research activities collaborating on a
research activity, the applicant is the parent RO. The parent RO is the RO that
submits the application for the research project, is listed first on the
application form and employs the leader of the research project upon signing the
agreement on implementation and (co-)financing. Research projects which are
(co-)financed by the Agency and comply with the framework programme of research
and technology development activities of the EU shall be open to research
entities from the EU, whereby the said entities finance their own part of
research using their own funds. The applicants may register these subjects as
participating research groups.
Objectives of the Call
The objective of the Call is to select:
5.1. basic and applied projects and post-doctoral (basic and applied)
Within each discipline, at least 10% of the funds must be allocated to
post-doctoral projects relative to the amount of funding for the selected
applications within the discipline. At least 30% of funding for projects in the
field of engineering, at least 20% in biotechnology and at least 5% in the
social sciences, natural sciences and medicine must be allocated to applied
projects and post-doctoral applied projects. At least 20% of the approved funds
in the Call must be awarded for projects carried out by young doctors (maximum
10 years after having defended their doctoral dissertation).
No more than 10% of projects amounting to €50,000 can be approved for all the
disciplines in total (particularly in clinical medicine, mathematics and social
sciences). Projects amounting to €50,000 are usually assigned to applications
that are at the bottom of the list of approved projects.
In the medical sciences, clinical research must demonstrate the participation of
healthcare institutions/educational establishments in at least 30% of research
hours. For each project application where the applicant chooses to conduct
research in the field of clinical medicine, the applicant must specifically
justify that it is a clinically oriented project, and that the justification
will be verified and confirmed/rejected by an international panel as part of the
assessment process. At least 50% of funding in the field of medical sciences
must be allocated to clinical research.
5.2. basic research projects - AD Programme.
As a rule, two top ranked projects in the assessment are selected per research
discipline, whereby they cannot belong to the same field within the discipline.
In case a project submitted for consideration for the AD Programme is not
selected, it can be submitted for consideration for basic projects in line with
the rules applicable for the selection of these projects.
5.3. The objective of the Call is also to select:
Major projects are basic interdisciplinary projects including a minimum of two
disciplines. The candidates for co-financing will comprise:
two best rated major projects, with primary natural science;
two best rated major projects, with primary engineering discipline;
one best rated major project, with primary medical science;
one best rated major project, with primary biotechnical science;
one best rated major project, with primary social science;
one best rated major project, with primary humanities discipline.
Major projects are not to be submitted under the agreement with the Hungarian
agency NKFIH and under the WEAVE agreement with the Austrian agency FWF, the
Polish agency NCN, the Swiss agency SNSF, the Croatian agency HRZZ, the Flemish
agency FWO and the Czech agency GACR.
Terms and conditions for the participation of basic and applied research
projects, and post-doctoral basic and applied projects and major projects in the
Call are set out in the Research
and Development Activity Act, Methodology
for the assessment of applications to calls (hereinafter referred to as:
the Methodology), in the Rules and in the Rules
on criteria for establishing compliance with the conditions for being the leader
of a research project (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 53/16;
hereinafter referred to as: Rules on the criteria for the project leader). All
listed documents are published on the Agency’s website.
The requirements for participation in the Call for basic research projects - AD
Programme are laid out in the Methodology.
The requirements for participation in the Call must be met on the closing date
of the Call, unless otherwise determined by this Call.
6.1. Requirements for major projects, basic and applied projects and
post-doctoral (basic and applied) projects
6.1.1. Basic requirements for applicants and project leaders
Major projects, and basic and applied projects are to be carried out by a
project group comprising the project leader, researchers, as well as
professional and technical associates.
The Call applicant must be an eligible applicant in accordance with item 4 of
the Call. If the project group comprises several project subgroups at various
research organisations, the applicant must have a signed agreement with the
other participating research organisations on the regulation of mutual rights
and obligations. The requirement in question must be met at the time of
conclusion of the agreement on (co-)financing research activities.
The participating RO must collaborate for at least 170 hours during the period
of the project’s implementation, whereby the minimum amount of RO collaboration
is 170 hours per annum. During the project’s implementation, the number of hours
rendered annually by the participating RO can be 0. If the project is granted
€50,000, the applicant can exclude or reduce the share carried out by the
participating research organisations and must state this in the application -
item 25 (indication of the share of participating research organisations).
The applicant of an applied project and post-doctoral applied project must
ensure that at least 25% of the eligible project costs are financed by other
interested users, with which they must have a written co-financing agreement.
The requirement in question must be met at the time of conclusion of the
agreement on (co-)financing research activities.
The project leader must have a researcher record number, which means that they
must be entered into the database of research and development activity providers
kept by the Agency. For a project leader without an assigned researcher record
number, the applicant must fill out the ARRS-ZOP-02-2021-1 form and submit an
accompanying statement on the intention of employment.
Researchers who have received a negative grade on a final report for a project
in which they were project leaders in the period of three years prior to the
starting year of the Call cannot apply as project leaders on this Call.
If a project received a lower number of points in the evaluation in a previous
call (carried out in a single phase) than the amount defined as the overall
threshold for the sum of all scores, as specified in Articles 99 or 100 of the
Rules, the researcher carrying out the role of project leader may not apply as a
project leader under this Call.
Only researchers who are project leaders for a maximum of one project during the
period of one year after the deadline for the submission of the application,
including projects with an extended deadline for project conclusion in
accordance with Article 104 of the Rules, may apply as project leaders under
this Call. Targeted research programmes (TRP) and projects under Articles 139
and 146 of the Rules, as well as new projects and projects under Article 145 of
the Rules, for which the co-financed amount is under €50,000 per annum, are
excluded from the limitation laid out in the previous sentence.
Researchers fulfil the young doctor requirements if on the closing date of the
Call no more than ten years have passed since they defended their first
doctorate. Researchers who have already carried out a project as young doctors
can no longer register their project as young doctors.
A post-doctoral project can only be carried out by one researcher - a
post-doctoral researcher. Post-doctoral researchers fulfil the post-doctoral
project leader requirements if no more than three years have passed since they
defended their first doctorate (i.e. the doctorate was defended in the period
from 1 January 2019 to the end of this Call). A post-doctoral researcher shall
have defended his or her doctoral dissertation by 28 February 2022. If a
post-doctoral researcher utilises their parental leave under the parental
protection insurance, the time period following the year of doctoral defence is
extended beyond the three years for a period of one year per child. The same
applies to documented absences due to sick or injury leave, and other types of
absence provided for in the regulations on health insurance, and employment
outside research exceeding three months.
Researchers who have already carried out a post-doctoral project or have
received funds from the “Researchers at the start of their career/Raziskovalci
na začetku kariere” call may no longer register a post-doctoral project.
A researcher may apply as leader for only one research project within the Call.
6.1.2. Additional requirements for applicants who submit projects under
the agreement with the Hungarian agency NKFIH and under the WEAVE agreement with
the Austrian agency FWF, the Polish agency NCN, the Swiss agency SNSF, the
Flemish agency FWO, the Croatian agency HRZZ and the Czech agency GACR Additional requirements for applicants who submit projects under the
agreement with the Hungarian agency NKFIH
Under the agreement with the Hungarian agency NKFIH, applicants can submit
projects in collaboration with Hungarian researchers (researchers who work in
Hungarian research organisations), whereby the agency acts as the “lead agency”
and performs the project review. The Hungarian researchers shall submit the
application together with the Slovenian researchers, as well as send the
application documentation to the NKFIH as required by the said agency. The joint
project may only be (co-)financed by the Agency and NKFIH. In the case of
co-financing with the NKFIH, the volume of NKFIH funds must be less than the
volume of the Slovenian part. Projects submitted under the agreement with the
NKIF may only be basic projects as defined in item 2.a of the Call. Additional requirements for applicants who submit projects under the
WEAVE agreement with the Austrian agency FWF, the Polish agency NCN, the Swiss
agency SNSF, the Flemish agency FWO, the Croatian agency HRZZ and the Czech
agency GACR
Under the WEAVE agreement with the Austrian agency FWF, the Polish agency NCN,
the Swiss agency SNSF, the Flemish agency FWO, the Croatian agency HRZZ and the
Czech agency GACR, applicants can submit projects in collaboration with
Austrian, Polish, Swiss, Flemish, Croatian or Czech researchers (researchers who
work in Austrian, Polish, Swiss, Flemish, Croatian or Czech research
organisations), whereby the agency acts as the “lead agency” and performs the
project review. Slovenian researchers can submit an application together with:
Austrian researchers who simultaneously submit the application documentation
to the FWF as required by the FWF,
Polish researchers who simultaneously submit the application documentation
to the NCN as required by the NCN,
Swiss researchers who simultaneously submit the application documentation to
the SNSF as required by the SNSF,
Flemish researchers who simultaneously submit the application documentation
to the FWO as required by the FWO,
Croatian researchers who simultaneously submit the application documentation
to the HRZZ as required by the HRZZ,
Czech researchers who simultaneously submit the application documentation to
the GACR as required by the GACR.
Slovenian researchers can also submit an application together with researchers
from two countries specified in item who simultaneously submit the
application documentation to the partner agencies as required by those agencies.
Notwithstanding the above, it is not possible to submit an application together
with Czech and Croatian researchers (participating agencies GACR and HRZZ) and
together with Flemish and Czech researchers (participating agencies FWO and
Projects submitted under an agreement with the specified partner agencies may
only be basic projects as defined in item 2.a of the Call.
Should the degree of success of public call applications (number of approved
projects in relation to the received applications) exceed 20%, then pursuant to
the agreement between the partner agencies, the applications ranking lower than
applications that are among the 20% of applications (taking into account the
percentage of the value of the application evaluation ratio in relation to the
highest possible evaluation of an individual application), shall not be included
in the selection for co-financing. Common provisions for applicants submitting a project under agreements
with partner agencies
Submission of a joint project consists of a joint scientific description of the
project, which describes the scientific contributions of individual partners.
Cost estimates must be provided separately for each national part of the project
and must follow the guidelines of the funding partner agency. Should the joint
project be approved, the project parts will be financed by the Agency and the
partner agency(ies) in accordance with their regulations.
Following the completion of the assessment procedure, the Agency informs the
partner agency(ies) of the assessment procedure results, and the partner agency
in turn, after consideration by its decision-making bodies, provides
confirmation of the Agency's decision or a reasoned rejection. Each partner
agency shall inform the applicants of its national part of the joint project
regarding the outcome of the assessment procedure.
If the entry conditions of one of the participating agencies are not met, the
application will be deemed to have been rejected by all participating agencies.
6.1.3. Available capacities and employment
The project leader and members of the project groups must have available
capacities as regards effective research hours to carry out the research project
(the maximum permitted capacity for full-time employment is 1700 effective
research hours annually, or one FTE) and must be employed by the RO that will
carry out the project, or have the status of private researcher. Upon signing
the contract, the project leader must have at least 170 effective research hours
(0.1 FTE) available annually. A project group member (except for young
researchers, doctoral students, financed by other sources, retired researchers
and PRO heads who may participate in the project with 0 hours) must upon signing
the agreement participate with at least 17 effective research hours (0.01 FTE)
available annually.
The agreement must be signed no later than three months after the adoption of
the decision on the selection of projects, except in the case of delay of the
start of (co-)financing. The project leader must be employed in at least a 40%
full-time capacity at the RO in the Republic of Slovenia carrying out the
research project.
6.1.4. Research performance of project leaders
Research project leaders must hold a doctoral degree and comply with the
following conditions, stated with the minimum values for each parameter.
Researchers with young doctor status must fulfil the requirements for young
doctors where expressly required.
Quantitative grades for each evaluation factor (A1 and CI) and for
each scientific discipline defined in the Methodology are obtained and
calculated by the Agency. To calculate the quantitative grade, the Agency will
use the data entered into the SICRIS (COBISS) databases and the Agency’s records
on the closing date of the Call (A1) or on the day of the last data
capture in the SICRIS (COBISS) database prior to the closure of the Call (CI).
For the purpose of evaluating bibliographic indicators of a researcher's
research performance (calculation of quantitative assessments), researchers
themselves must, through an authorised library, timely enter the researcher's
record number from the database on research and development activity providers
that is maintained by the agency, into the normative record for the author in
the CONOR.SI normative database. Requirements for leaders of basic and applied projects are:
Achieved requirements regarding citations and a minimum number of points for
scientific publications as laid out by Articles 2 and 3 of the Rules on
criteria for project leaders,
A1/2 ≥ 400 or A' ≥ 200 or A" ≥ 50 or basic requirement,
A' > 0.
Basic requirements for project leaders candidates are: A1 ≥ A1 minimum,
CI ≥ CI minimum and A3 ≥ A3 minimum.
Requirements for A1 minimum, CI minimum and A3 minimum for
each discipline and field are listed in the table below. The field is listed if
it is considered an exception and therefore has different requirements than the
discipline. For fields that are not listed, the requirements for the discipline
are applicable.
Grade A1
A1 minimum is as follows:
Discipline/Field |
A1 minimum |
Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Biotechnical Sciences,
Social Sciences, Archaeology, Geography |
0.5 |
Humanities, Law, National Issues |
1 |
For project leaders with young doctor status, the A1 minimum is
set out in the following table:
Discipline/Field |
A1 minimum |
Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Biotechnical Sciences,
Social Sciences, Archaeology, Geography |
0.4 |
Humanities, Law, National Issues |
1 |
Pure citations
The minimum number of pure citations, CI minimum, for project leaders is as
Discipline/Field |
CI minimum |
Humanities, Law, National Issues |
1 |
Social Sciences, Archaeology, Geography |
5 |
Mining and Geotechnology, Geodesy, Transport, Hydrology, Psychology,
Sport |
15 |
Engineering, Biotechnical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Geology |
50 |
Medical Sciences, Biology, Computationally Intensive Methods and
Applications, Chemical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Materials |
100 |
Natural Sciences, Microbiology and Immunology, Biotechnology |
200 |
For research project leaders with young doctor status, the minimum number of
pure citations, CI minimum, is as follows:
Discipline/Field |
CI minimum |
Humanities, Law, National Issues |
1 |
Social Sciences, Mining and Geotechnology, Transport, Hydrology |
5 |
Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Geology, Forestry, Wood and Paper
Industry, Plant Production and Processing, Geography |
10 |
Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, Biotechnical Sciences |
20 |
Other quantitative conditions
For project leaders, A3 minimum equals 0. Requirements for post-doctoral project leaders are:
At least one scientific publication, as laid out in the secondary
regulations setting out research performance criteria,
organisational and leadership skills,
A1> 0,
A' > 0. Requirements for leaders of major projects are:
Achieved requirements regarding citations and a minimum number of points for
scientific publications as laid out by Articles 2 and 3 of the Rules on
criteria for project leaders,
A" ≥ 50.
6.2. Requirements for basic research programmes - AD Programme
On the closing date of the Call, the leader of the submitted project must
have been living abroad for at least one year and must not be employed in
the Republic of Slovenia. The requirement of living abroad for a period of
one year is also considered fulfilled if the leader of the submitted project
defended their doctoral dissertation abroad in 2021 or prior to the closure
of the Call.
On the closing date of the Call, the leader of the submitted project must
fulfil the requirement that no more than 10 years have passed since they
defended their first doctorate.
The leader of the submitted project must be a citizen of the Republic of
Slovenia on the closing date of the Call.
The leader of the submitted project must be listed as working on the
research project they lead for at least 680 effective research hours
annually (40% of 1700 effective research hours). Upon concluding the
agreement on co-financing a project successful on the Call, the project
leader must be listed as employed for research activities in a share of no
less than 40%.
The leader of the submitted project must fulfil the requirements for leaders
of basic projects.
In case of a successful application, the researchers cannot submit a second
project for consideration within the same or a similar mechanism, that is a
mechanism for financing projects by researchers returning to the Republic of
Slovenia from abroad.
Applying to the Call
Applications for the Call are made by completing the ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2021
form, which is available on the Agency's web portal DigitalForms.
The portal may be used by researchers listed in the Agency register,
administrators of the DigitalForms portal
at an RO, RO representatives, RO authorised representatives and additional
users. The DigitalForms web
portal can be accessed using a user name and password (researchers can obtain a
password themselves by going to the DigitalForms website),
whereas other users are given a password by the DigitalForms administrator at
the RO or by the Agency). The application form must be filled out in Slovenian
and English - it must be completed in both languages.
The applicant must state in the application form whether the content of the
research project proposal should be treated as a trade secret. On the basis of
Article 39 of the Companies Act (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 65/09 -
official consolidated text, 33/11, 91/11, 100/11 - Constitutional Court
decision, 32/12, 57/12, 44/13 - Constitutional Court decision, 82/13, 55/15,
15/17 in 22/19 - ZPosS) any information that meets the requirements for business
secrets in accordance with the law governing business secrets shall be deemed a
business secret.
The assembly of a project group is an integral part of the application. The
project group as listed on the application form cannot be changed until the end
of the year in which the implementation of the research project begins, except
in the case of employment termination, retirement, death of a project group
member or other reasons substantiated in writing. The applicants who, at the
time of submitting the application, are not yet able to foresee which
researchers will be involved in the project’s implementation (especially foreign
post-doctoral researchers who do not yet have relevant contracts), shall list
those researchers in the project content.
The applicants proposing projects in which a corporate entity will be registered
as project implementer, co-implementer or co-financer, will, pursuant to the
Rules on state aid for research activities, No. 007-7/2015-11, published on 8
April 2016, entering into force on 9 April 2016, also have to submit a
completed, signed and stamped application form for state aid
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation requirements, criteria and indicators for evaluating the project
proposals are set out in the Rules and the Rules on the criteria for
qualification for project leaders, and the evaluation method is set out in the
Criteria and indicators for research project assessment are specified in
Articles 99 and 100 of the Rules and are as follows:
for basic projects, major projects and post-doctoral basic projects:
- Scientific excellence of researchers
- Scientific, technological or innovation excellence
- Quality and efficiency of implementation and management
for applied projects and post-doctoral applied projects:
- Scientific excellence of researchers
- Scientific, technological or innovation excellence
- Potential impact due to the development, dissemination and
application of expected research results
- Quality and efficiency of implementation and management
Basic research projects - AD Programme are evaluated according to the criteria
and indicators for evaluating basic projects, as set out in Article 99 of the
The applicants proposing major projects must state in the leader's CV the
organisational skills of the leader to lead major projects and their previous
experience in leading such projects.
Project evaluation
The application evaluation procedure is carried out in a single phase.
Applications are evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Rules
applicable to the evaluation of applications in the second phase.
Applications for major projects, basic and applied projects, post-doctoral basic
and applied projects and basic research projects - AD Programme are evaluated by
two foreign reviewers according to the procedure laid out in Article 93 of the
Rules. In case of an unconsolidated report by the reviewers, the temporary
expert body assigns a third reviewer.
Research project duration
The anticipated beginning of the (co-)financing of project implementation is 1
September 2022, depending of the funds available in the budget of the Republic
of Slovenia and the Agency’s financial plan, as well as other objective
circumstances that may affect the implementation of the Call. Any changes of the
expected start date of the co-financing of project implementation will be
communicated to the applicants while the Call is in progress.
The selected projects are (co-)financed by the Agency for up to three years,
with the exception of post-doctoral research projects, which are (co-)financed
for two years. The selected projects will be allocated an annual amount of
research hours, and this number of effective research hours is applicable for
each year of the project's duration as part of this Call.
Project selection
Projects with a total or individual grade that is lower than the threshold set
in the Rules and Methodology cannot be selected for co-financing.
A temporary expert body draws up a draft priority list of projects and submit it
to the SCA for discussion. The SCA draws up a draft of the financially evaluated
priority list for the selection of projects and sends it to the Managing
Director of the Agency for a decision. On the basis of a decision, the Managing
Director of the Agency then issues each applicant with a notification on the
selection or rejection of their application.
Basic research projects - AD Programme are selected according to the following
The temporary expert body draws up a draft priority list of projects,
starting with the 2 highest evaluated projects per research discipline,
which must concern different fields within the discipline. In case all
submitted projects within the discipline concern the same field, the
priority list includes 2 projects concerning the same field.
If the draft priority project list contains fewer than 12 project
submissions, the remainder of the funds for the Call (allocated for Item 2.c
of the Call) are proportionately divided among those disciplines of the
entire Call, for which the temporary expert body did not list two project
submissions on the draft priority project list.
If a basic research project - AD Programme is not selected within this
programme, it can be submitted for consideration for basic research projects
in line with the rules applicable for the selection of these projects.
The panel for each discipline including applications for (co-)financing
basic research projects - AD Programme that fulfil the requirements of the
Call and have not been listed on the draft priority project list based on
indents 1 and 3 of this paragraph, additionally proposes up to three
applications for the reserve list. The reserve list applications are to be
considered by the SCA within the scope of its competences, adding to the
draft priority project list up to the amount of the funds available for the
Call (for Item 2.c of the Call), whereby the draft priority list may include
more than two projects per research discipline.
If the number of applications that meet the Call conditions and are not
graded below the prescribed project selection threshold is equal to or less
than the maximum number of possible selected applications in relation to the
funds available, all applications will be included in the selection.
Major projects are selected according to the following procedure:
If there are not enough applications in each discipline that could be
included in the selection in each primary discipline in accordance with item
5.3, applications in other primary disciplines that meet the conditions of
the Call and are not graded below the prescribed project selection threshold
will be included in the selection, according to the achieved grade up to the
total number of applications for major projects (8 applications).
If the draft priority project list contains fewer than 8 project
submissions, the remainder of the funds for the Call (allocated for Item 2.d
of the Call) are proportionately divided among those disciplines of the
entire Call, for which the temporary expert body did not list the estimated
number of project submissions on the draft priority project list.
Legal remedies
An applicant may appeal the decision on the results of the application selection
within 15 days of receiving notification of the selection. The Management Board
of the Agency issues a decision on the appeal.
A filed appeal does not delay the signing of contracts with selected applicants.
Open access to reviewed scientific publications and web access to
information about the research project
In accordance with the provisions of the National strategy for open access to
scientific publications and research data in the Republic of Slovenia
2015-2020*, all reviewed scientific publications arising from the implementation
of a research project must be published in open access. A reviewed scientific
publication must also include information on the financer or financers and the
project number in accordance with Article 105 of the Rules.
After the project is approved, the applicant must create a website or subpage on
their RO’s website that is dedicated to the project and enables the
dissemination of its results. The minimum requirements for the website content
are: a description of the project’s content including basic information about
financing, composition of the project group with links to data in the SICRIS
system, the project phases and descriptions of their implementation,
bibliographical references arising directly from the implementation of the
project, as well as the Slovenian Research Agency’s logo and logos of other
co-financers. Content included in the SICRIS system should be linked and need
not be provided twice. The project presentation website must remain active for
five years following the conclusion of the project. The implementer reports on
the establishment of the website in the interim and final report.
Means, form and deadline for application submission
The application to the Call shall be submitted in electronic form with a
qualified digital certificate in the electronic application system.
The application for the Call may be submitted in the manner specified in item
14.1. (electronic application with a qualified digital signature) or for
justified reasons in the manner specified in item 14.2. (in electronic form
without a qualified digital signature and printed application).
Applicants are advised not to submit their applications on the final day before
the closure of the Call, as the server may be overloaded.
14.1. Submitting applications using a qualified digital signature
The application must be completed and submitted using the application form
ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2020 available on the Agency's website at DigitalForms.
A submitted application is deemed complete if it carries both digital signatures
(the applicant’s representative or authorised person and the research project
Applications must be submitted by 28 February 2022 by 2 p.m. An application
using a digital signature shall be deemed timely if it is filled out and carries
both digital signatures at the Agency web portal DigitalForms by
28 February 2022 by 2 p.m.
14.2. Submitting applications without a qualified digital signature
If the applicant (representative or authorised person of the applicant) and/or
project leader does not have a digital signature, the application can be
completed and submitted in electronic form (digitally unsigned) on the Agency's
website at DigitalForms (the
application form ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2021) and in printed form, which must
have a handwritten signature of the representative or authorised person of the
applicant and project leader, as well as the stamp of the applicant.
Both forms of application, electronic without a digital signature and printed
application, must be completely identical in content.
The printed application must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked “Do not
open - application for the Public call for the (co-)financing of research
projects in 2022 - application No. ______” and the name and address of the
applicant to: Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije,
Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana.
An application without a digital signature shall be deemed timely if it is
filled out at the Agency web portal DigitalForms by
28 February 2022 by 2 p.m. and arrives in printed form at the main office of the
Public Agency for Research of the Republic of Slovenia by 28 February 2022 by 2
p.m. An application shall also be deemed timely if it is sent by registered mail
in Slovenia by 28 February 2022 by 2 p.m. (the postmark will serve as proof).
Opening of applications
The committee for opening applications will open all applications that are
delivered in time and marked correctly on 3 March 2022 at 10:00 a.m. at the
registered office of the Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000
Untimely and incorrectly marked applications will not be considered by the
committee for opening applications and will be returned unopened to the
applicant with an accompanying letter (except in the event that the applicant’s
details on the envelope are illegible and the application must be opened).
Deadline for applicant notification on the outcome of the Call
It is foreseen that the applicants will be notified about the project selection
in July 2022.
Time, place and person where interested parties can collect the Call
The Call documents are available on the Agency's website (
Links to public calls with partner agencies:
Information in connection with the Call can be found on the Agency's website at or
obtained at the Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana,
each working day during office hours.
Contact persons: Ms. Vanja Rodič, Ms. Almira Bremec, Ms. Alja Kastelic Primc,
Ms. Mateja Gašpirc and Ms. Tina Valenci (e-mails are published at: ARRS
- Research projects - Contact points); for projects of which ARRS is the
leading agency in connection with a partner agency: Mojca
Number: 6316-11/2021-5
Date: 15 December 2021
Slovenian Research Agency
Prof. Dr. Robert Repnik
Managing Director
Published in the Official Gazette of the RS, No. 202/2021, of 24 December
Legal basis:
Research and Development Activity Act Official Gazette of the RS,
No. 22/06 - official consolidated text, 61/06-ZDru-1 112/07, 9/11, 57/12
ZPOP-1A, 21/18-ZNOrg. and 9/19)
Methodology for the assessment of applications to calls, No.
6319-2/2013-38 - official consolidated text of 5 June 2017 and subsequent
Rules on procedures for financing, co-financing, evaluating and
monitoring the implementation of research activities (Official
Gazzete of the RS, Nos. 52/16, 79/17, 65/19, 78/20 and 145/20)
Rules on criteria for establishing compliance with the conditions for
being the leader of a research project (Official Gazette of the RS,
No. 53/16)
Rules on state aid for research activities, No. 007-7/2015-11,
published on 8 April 2016, entering into force on 9 April 2016
Call documents:
Form for granting state aid:
Application form for researcher code: