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Public call for the (co-)financing of research projects in 2018
- Title and address of the budgetary funds user
Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana
(hereinafter: the Agency).
- Subject of the call
The subject of the Public call to for the (co-)financing of research
projects in 2018 (hereinafter: the Call) is the (co-)financing of research
- small basic research projects and small applied research projects
- post-doctoral basic and post-doctoral applied research projects
- Amount of funds for the call
The estimated annual amount of funding allocated for the realisation of this
call is €12,000,000.00. When allocating funds for the co-financing of research
projects as part of the implementation of the call, the distribution of funds is
considered by scientific discipline annually so that the ratio of resources
among scientific disciplines in 2018 is approximately the same as the ratio in
The call will be realised in view of the funding resources available in the
budget of the Republic of Slovenia and the Agency’s financial plan.
3.1 Scientific disciplines of the Call for the (co-)financing of
research projects and approximate annual funding resources:
Scientific disciplines |
Ratio of resources in 2017
(in %) |
Ratio of resources in the call
(in %) |
Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
21.6 |
22.5 |
Engineering |
28.0 |
26.6 |
Medical Sciences |
13.8 |
14.6 |
Biotechnical Sciences |
10.9 |
8.6 |
Social Sciences |
10.3 |
9.3 |
Humanities |
15.4 |
18.4 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
10% of the funding of each scientific discipline is allocated for
interdisciplinary studies. Applicants of interdisciplinary projects must list
the social objective of their research project proposal when applying. The
chosen social objective must be from the field of the primary discipline that
the applicant lists in their interdisciplinary project application. If the
chosen social objective is not from the field of the primary discipline, the
application is rejected.
Below is the list of social objectives and their corresponding relevant
primary field, as set out by the ministry responsible for science.

Suitable primary disciplines in relation to social objective are marked
with . Short descriptions of the social objectives and their relevant
thematic fields or research fields are published on the
Agency’s website.
Information about the capacity of the research fields is
published on the Agency’s website.
3.2 Amount of (co-)financing
Small basic or applied research projects will be financed annually, with
approximately €100,000. Each project that applies for €100,000 can be
approved for either €100,000 or €50,000.
Calculated into project research hours this equates to approximately 3512
hours annually in Price Class A (1756 for projects valued at €50,000), 3100
hours annually in Price Class B (1550 for projects valued at €50,000), 2699
hours annually in Price Class C (1350 for projects valued at €50,000), 2412
hours annually in Price Class D (1206 for projects valued at €50,000), 2184
hours annually in Price Class E (1092 for projects valued at €50,000) or
1995 hours annually in Price Class F (997 for projects valued at €50,000).
The scope of the post-doctoral project is 1700 research hours annually
(1FTE) in Price Class B, whereby the amount of co-financing from the Agency
for the applied post-doctoral project is 1275 research hours annually (0.75
FTE) in Price Class B.
The Agency will finance up to 100% of eligible project costs for basic
research projects, and up to 75% of eligible project costs for applied
projects. The applicant of an applied project must ensure that at least 25%
of eligible project costs are covered by other interested users and submit
proof of the project’s co-financing (a co-financing agreement) for the
entire period of the project’s implementation in view of the value of a
research hour at the start of financing. Projects cannot be co-financed by
research organisations registered as RO, except for corporate entities.
Co-financing can only be in the form of money. Up to 10% of the scope of an
applied project may be co-financed by a researcher on the same applied
project, except if they are the applicant of this same applied project.
In view of the number of research hours financed by the budget of the
Republic of Slovenia, the Agency will, in accordance with the provisions of
the Decree on norms and standards used to determine funding for research
activities financed by the budget of the Republic of Slovenia (Official
Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 103/11, 56/12, 15/14, 103/15,
27/17), finance an individual researcher in view of the ratio of employment
options for research, but no more than 1700 research hours per year. The
minimum annual load of a researcher per project is 17 hours. The
participating RO must collaborate for at least 170 hours during the period
of the project’s implementation, whereby the minimum amount of RO annual
collaboration is 170 hours. During the project’s implementation, the number
of hours rendered by the participating RO annually can be 0.
- Entities that can apply to the call
Research organisations and private researchers that are entered into the
database of research and development activity providers (hereinafter the RO
Records) or into the register of private researchers that is kept by the
Agency, and that meet the requirements set out in the
Research and
Development Act (OG RS, No. 22/06-UPB1, 61/06-ZDru-1 112/07, 9/11,
57/12-ZPOP-1A) and the
Rules on the procedures of (co-)financing, evaluating and monitoring the
implementation of research activities (hereinafter the Rules) can
apply for the call.
If there are several providers of research activities collaborating on a
research activity, the applicant is the parent RO. The parent RO is the RO
that submits the research project application, it is listed first on the
application form and is where the project leader is employed at the time of
the research project’s application.
Research projects that are (co-)financed by the Agency and are suitable
for the framework programme for research and technology development
activities of the EU are open to research subjects from the EU, whereby
these subjects finance their own part of the research using their own funds.
The applicants of these subjects can register as participating research
- Objective of the call
The objective of the call is to select:
- small (basic and applied) research projects
- post-doctoral (basic and applied) research projects
At least 10% of the projects selected within each discipline must be
post-doctoral projects. At least 30% of the projects in engineering, at
least 20% in biotechnical sciences, at least 10% in medical sciences and the
social sciences, and at least 5% in the natural sciences must be applied
projects. At least 20% of the selected projects must include young doctors
(up to 10 years after they defended their first doctorate).
No more than 10% of projects amounting to €50,000 can be approved for all
the disciplines in total (particularly in clinical medicine, mathematics and
social sciences). Projects amounting to €50,000 are usually assigned to
applications that are at the bottom of the list of approved projects.
- Requirements
The requirements for the selection of research projects are set out
in the
Research and Development Act, the
for evaluating applications for the calls (hereinafter the
Methodology), in the Rules and in the
Rules on the criteria establishing compliance with the requirements for
the position of a project leader (Official Gazette of the
Republic of Slovenia, No. 53/16; hereinafter the Rules on the criteria for
the position of a project leader). All listed documents are an integral part
of the call documentation and are published on the Agency’s website.
6.1 Requirements for applicants and project leaders
The research project is carried out by a project group comprising the
project leader, researchers, as well as professional and technical
If the project group comprises several project subgroups at various
research organisations, the applicant can only be the research organisation
where the project leader is employed. The applicant must have a signed
agreement with the other participating research organisations on the
regulation of mutual rights and obligations.
The participating RO must collaborate for at least 170 hours during the
period of the project’s implementation, whereby the minimum amount of RO
collaboration is 170 hours annually. During the project’s implementation,
the number of hours rendered annually by the participating RO can be 0. If
the project is granted €50,000, the applicant can exclude or reduce the
amount the participating research organisations carry out and must state
this in the application – Phase II – Item 14 (indication of the share of
participating research organisations).
Pursuant to an agreement with the Austrian FWF Agency and the Hungarian
NKFIH Agency, the applicant can register projects in collaboration with
Austrian or Hungarian researchers (researchers that work in Austrian or
Hungarian research organisations), whereby the agency acts as the “lead
agency” and performs the project review. The Austrian or Hungarian
researchers submit the application together with the Slovenian researchers,
whereby the FWF or NKFIH sends the application documentation as is required
by the FWF or NKFIH. The joint project can only be (co-)financed if the
project is co-financed by the Agency and the FWF or NKFIH. If the project
selected by the Agency is not being co-financed by the FWF or NKIH, the
project will only be co-financed by the Agency.
Only those researchers who have been leader of no more than one project
(targeted research programmes (TRP), projects under Articles 139 and 146 of
the Rules, and new projects are excluded, as are projects under Article 145
of the Rules that are co-financed less than €50,000 annually) as of one year
after the application date for Phase I of the call can act as leaders of
projects as part of this call.
Researchers who have received a negative grade on a project’s final
report in the period of three years prior to the starting year of the call
cannot apply as project leaders on this call.
Researchers who have already carried out a post-doctoral project or have
received funds from the “Researchers at the start of their
career/Raziskovalci na začetku kariere” call can no longer register a
post-doctoral project.
Young doctor candidates are researchers for whom on the day of the
conclusion of the call no more than ten years have passed since the defence
of their first doctorate. Researchers who have already carried out a project
as a young doctor can no longer register their project as a young doctor.
The applicant of an applied project must ensure that at least 25% of
eligible project costs are covered by other interested users.
A post-doctoral project can be only carried out by one researcher - a
post-doctoral researcher. A post-doctoral researcher is a researcher for
whom no more than three years have passed since the defence of their first
doctorate of science.
As part of the call, a researcher can only candidate for leader of one
research project.
6.2 Available capacities and employment
The project leader and the members of the project group must have
available capacities to carry out the research project (the maximum
permitted amount per person is 1700 hours annually or 1 FTE) and must be
employed in the research organisation (that will carry out the project) for
the implementation of the research activity or have the status of private
The project leader must have at least 170 research hours available
annually, except for managing directors of public research institutes. The
requirements regarding available capacities and employment are verified upon
signing of the agreement. The agreement must be signed no later than three
months after the decision on the selection of projects.
The post-doctoral researcher must be employed at the applying
organisation at the time of application to the call and at least for the
duration of the post-doctoral project.
6.3 Research performance of the researchers
Candidates for project leaders must fulfil the following requirements,
stated with the minimum values for each parameter. Researchers with young
doctor status must fulfil the requirements for young doctors where expressly
Candidates must fulfil the following requirements:
A1/2 ≥ 400 or A' ≥ 200 or A" ≥ 50 or basic requirement.
The basic requirement for a project leader candidates is:
A1 ≥ A1 minimum, CI ≥ CI minimum and A3 ≥ A3
The tables below contain the information of the requirements for each
discipline and field. The field is listed if it is an exception and
therefore has different requirements than the discipline. For fields that
are not listed, the requirements for the discipline are applicable.
1 Grade A1
- A1 minimum is set out in the following table:
Discipline/field |
A1 minimum |
Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Biotechnical
Sciences, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Geography |
0.5 |
Humanities, Law, Ethnic Studies |
1 |
- For researchers with young doctor status, the A1 minimum is set out
in the following table:
Discipline/field |
A1 minimum |
Natural sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Biotechnical
Sciences, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Geography |
0.4 |
Humanities, Law, Ethnic Studies |
1 |
2 Pure citations
The minimum number of pure citations, CI minimum, is listed in the
tables. If the field is not listed in the table, the value set out for the
discipline should be used.
- The minimum number of pure citations, CI minimum, for project
leaders is listed in the following table:
Discipline/field |
CI minimum |
Humanities, Law, Ethnic Studies |
1 |
Social Sciences, Archaeology, Geography |
5 |
Mining and Geotechnology, Geodesy, Traffic Systems, Hydrology,
Psychology, Sport |
15 |
Engineering, Biotechnical Sciences, Mathematics, Geology |
50 |
Medical Sciences, Biology, Computationally intensive methods and
applications, Chemical Engineering, Energy engineering, Materials |
100 |
Natural Sciences, Microbiology and Immunology, Biotechnology |
200 |
- The minimum number of pure citations, CI minimum, for project
leaders with young doctor status is listed in the following table:
Discipline/field |
CI minimum |
Humanities, Law, Ethnic Studies |
1 |
Social Sciences, Mining and Geotechnology, Traffic Systems,
Hydrology |
5 |
Engineering, Mathematics, Geology, Forestry, Wood and Paper
Industry, Plant Production and Processing, Geography |
10 |
Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, Biotechnical Sciences |
20 |
The leaders of all research projects must fulfil the requirement of value
A' being more than 0. The minimum value of A3 is 0 for leaders of basic and
applied projects.
Regardless of all previous provisions, there is an entry requirement for
leaders of post-doctoral projects where A1 > 0 and A' >0.
Post-doctoral researchers fulfil the project leader requirements if no
more than three years have passed since they defended their first doctorate
(i.e. the doctorate was defended in the period 2014 – 4.9.2017).
Post-doctoral researchers must have completed their doctoral defence by
4.9.2017. If a post-doctoral researcher utilises their parental leave under
the parental protection insurance, whereby the duration of one year is taken
into consideration for one child, the time period following the year of
doctoral defence is extended up to three years. The same applies for
documented absences due to illness or injuries or other cases of absence set
out in the health insurance regulations, and employment outside of the
research activities longer than three months.
The quantitative grades for each evaluation factor (A1 and CI) and for
each scientific discipline defined in the Methodology are obtained and
calculated by the Agency. To calculate the quantitative grade, the Agency
will use the data entered into the SICRIS (COBISS) databases and the
Agency’s records on the day of the call’s closure (A1) or on the day of the
last data capture in the SICRIS (COBISS) database prior to the closure of
the call (CI).
- Applying to the call
Evaluation procedure takes place in two phases. All applicants apply to
the call in Phase I with a short application using the
ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2017-I form. If there is a sufficient number of
applications to enable the implementation of a single-phase evaluation
procedure, depending on the available funds and number of reviewers required
to evaluate an increased number of applications, the Managing Director can
decide by issuing a decision to carry out the evaluation procedure in one
phase, pursuant to the provisions of the applicable Rules for the evaluation
of applications in Phase II. In this case the Agency will call for all
applicants to submit an elaborated application.
Applications for the call are made by completing the
ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2017-I Application Form, available on the Agency’s
website at
eObrazci. The website can be used by researchers who are entered
into the Agency’s records, the
administrators at the RO, RO representatives, RO authorised representatives
and additional users. It is possible to carry out the application on the
website in two ways:
- using a digital certificate (SIGEN-CA, SIGOV-CA, NLB-CA, POSTArCA or
- using a username and password (researchers can obtain a password
themselves by going to the
website, other users are given a password by the eObrazci administrator
at the RO or by the Agency). The application form must be filled out in
Slovenian and English - it must be completed in both languages.
The applicant must state in the application form whether the research
project proposal should be treated as a trade secret.
- Evaluation criteria
The evaluation requirements, criteria and indicators for evaluating the
project proposals are set out in the Rules and the Rules on the criteria for
the position of a project leader, and the evaluation method is set out in
the Methodology.
The criteria and indicators for evaluating research projects are defined
in Articles 99 and 100 of the Rules and are as follows:
- for basic projects and post-doctoral basic projects:
- The scientific excellence of the researcher
- Scientific, technological or innovation excellence
- Quality and efficiency of implementation and management
- for applied projects and post-doctoral applied projects:
- The scientific excellence of the researcher
- Scientific, technological or innovation excellence
- The potential value due to the development, expansion and use of the
expected study results
- Quality and efficiency of implementation and management
Evaluation procedure will take place in two phases.
Phase I
Before publishing the call, the Agency notifies the leaders of research
programmes of the option to register a limited number of project proposals
within the call. Registering a limited number of applications is possible
for leaders of research projects who are leaders or members of programme
groups on 12.6.2017, whose (co-)financing of one or more projects (basic or
applied) is ending within one year of the closure of the previous call for
projects, i.e. on 21.6.2018. The implementation period is not considered to
be a period of deadline extension for the implementation of the project
without additional (co-)financing with the purpose of extending the period
when eligible project costs are generated.
If research programme members as project leaders register no more than
one more project than there are basic or applied projects (not considering
post-doctoral projects) where the (co-)financing is concluded, their
applications, in the realisation of the call in two phases, are directly
placed into phase two of the call. The leader of the research programme and
the people implementing the research programme mutually agree on the
applicant and leaders of the research projects.
If members of the research programmes submit more project applications
than set out in the preceding paragraph, all these applications are first
evaluated in phase one, the same as all the other applications, in the event
that the call is realised.
The project applications are examined by a member of the appropriate
Scientific Council of the Scientific Fields (hereinafter the SCF). If a
suitable scientific field is not listed in the application, the SCF member
proposes its reassignment to another suitable field. In the explanation, the
SCF member especially takes into account the OECD-defined (SCI-Expanded,
SSCI) fields of the publications of the project leader and the content of
the application. If a SCF member is registered as a project in the ongoing
call or is a close family member of a project leader that is participating
in the ongoing call, a different SCF member carries out the proposal
reallocation on the basis of a proposal from the SCF president. Only if the
SCF member agrees with the choice of field selected for the proposed
reallocation does the Agency submit the proposal to a professional body to
be decided on.
On the basis of the grades obtained in the evaluation procedure the
Agency will classify the project into two categories, A and B:
Category A:Projects classified into Category A are
placed into phase two of the evaluation procedure.
Category B:Projects classified into Category B are
projects that were not classified into Category A. Category B projects are
When allocating the applications into groups A and B, the consolidated
grade from the reviewers, or a grade from a panel in the event of an
unconsolidated report from reviewers, is considered, as well as the field’s
capacities and other priorities and the obligatory number of each type of
project, as set out in the call. The suitable number of projects is placed
into Category A in view of the expected planned funds, capacities and
obligatory quotas per project type, including projects that are registered
in accordance with the provisions of Article 91 of the Rules and that are
directly placed into Phase II of the call. Projects that have a total or
individual grade that is lower that the limit set in the Rules and
Methodology cannot be classified into Category A. Projects in Category A are
not yet considered as selected for financing.
Phase II
Applicants who are classified into Phase II of the project selection
process (Category A) are called upon by the Agency to submit an elaborated
research project proposal using the ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava-2017-II
Application Form (hereinafter the Application Form - Phase II) on the
website within three weeks.
The project structure is an integral part of the application for Phase
II. The project structure from the Application Form - Phase II of the call
cannot be amended until the end of the year in which implementation of the
research project begins, except in the case of employment termination,
retirement or death of a project group member, or for other reasons eligible
in writing.
The applicants of projects in which a corporate entity is registered as
an implementer, co-implementer or co-financer of the project will have to
also submit a completed ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2017-II-DP Form for Granting
State Aid in Phase II pursuant to the Rules for State Aid for R&D, No.
007-7/2015-11, published on 8.4.2016, entering into force on 9.4.2016.
Projects that have a total or individual grade that is lower than the
limit set in the Rules and Methodology cannot be selected as a co-financed
- Research project duration
The expected start of the (co-)financing of project implementation is
from 1.7.2018 to 1.10.2018, depending on the funds available in the budget
of the Republic of Slovenia and the Agency’s financial plan. The applicants
will be notified during the call about the expected start date of the
co-financing of project implementation.
Selected projects will be (co-)financed by the Agency for up to three
years, except for post-doctoral research projects, which will be
(co-)financed for two years. The selected research projects will be
allocated an annual amount of research hours, and this number of research
hours is applicable for each year of the project’s duration as part of this
- Selection of research projects
10.1. – Phase I
Applications will be evaluated using the procedure and manner determined
in the Rules and the Methodology.
Temporary expert body draws up a draft list of projects that are to be
classified into Phase II of the selection (Category A; see Item 8 of the
call) and a draft list of projects that are to be rejected after Phase I of
the selection (Category B), which they send to be examined by the Agency’s
Scientific Council.
The Agency’s Scientific Council draws up a draft of the financially
evaluated priority list of Category A projects that are then classified into
Phase II of the application selection, and a draft list of Category B
projects that are rejected after Phase I of the selection. The draft
decision is then sent to the Managing Director of the Agency for a decision.
On the basis of a decision, the Managing Director of the Agency then issues
each applicant with a notification on the selection or rejection of their
10.2 – Phase II
Temporary expert body draws up a draft priority list of projects and
submits it to be examined by the Agency’s Scientific Council. The Agency’s
Scientific Council draws up a draft of the financially evaluated priority
list for the selection of projects following the second round of evaluation
and sends it to the Managing Director of the Agency for a decision. On the
basis of a decision, the Managing Director of the Agency then issues each
applicant with a notification on the selection or rejection of their
10.3 – Legal remedies
An applicant can appeal the decision within 15 days of receiving
notification of the selection. Management Board of the Agency issues a
decision on the appeal.
A filed appeal does not delay the signing of contracts with selected
10.4 – Website
After the project is approved, the applicant must create a website or
subpage on their RO’s website dedicated to the project and will enable the
dissemination of its results. The minimum requirements of the website
content are: a description of the project’s content including basic
information about financing, the structure of the project group with SICRIS
links, the project phases and descriptions of their realisations,
bibliographical references arising directly from the implementation of the
project, the Slovenian Research Agency’s logo and those of other
co-financers. Only information that is in the SICRIS system needs to be
linked, references do not need to be provided twice. The project
presentation website must remain active for five years following the
conclusion of the project. The implementer reports on the establishment of
the website in the interim and final report.
The implementer must adhere to the principle of open access to scientific
information to the highest degree, as is published in the
National strategy for open access to scientific publications and research
data in the Republic of Slovenia 2015–2016.
- Means, form and deadline for application submission – Phase I
The application to the call can be submitted in the form set out in Item
11.1 (an electronic application using a qualified digital signature) or as
is set out in Item 11.2 (in electronic form without a qualified digital
signature and printed application).
We advise applicants to not submit their application on the last day
before the deadline as the server may experience an overload.
11.1 Submitting applications using a qualified digital signature
(1) The application must be completed and submitted using the
ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2017-I Application form available on the Agency’s
website at
eObrazci. A submitted application is deemed complete if it
carries both digital signatures (the applicant’s representative or
authorised person and the project leader).
(2) Applications must be submitted by 14:00 on 4.9.2017.
(3) An application using digital signatures will be considered timely
if it is completed and carries both digital signatures on the Agency’s
website at eObrazci by
14:00 on 4.9.2017.
11.2 Submitting applications without a qualified digital
(1) If the applicant (representative or authorised person of the
applicant) and/or project leader do not have a digital signature, the
application can be completed and submitted in electronic form (digitally
unsigned) on the Agency’s website at eObrazci (the
ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2017-I Application Form) and in printed form, which
must have a handwritten signature of the representative or authorised person
of the applicant and project leader, as well as a stamp of the applicant.
(2) Both forms of application, electronic without a digital signature and
printed application, must be completely identical in content.
(3) The printed application must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked
“Do not open – application for the Public call for the (co-)financing of
research projects in 2018 – application no. ______” and the name and address
of the applicant to: Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000
(4) An application without a digital signature will be considered timely
if it is completed on the Agency’s website at eObrazci by
14:00 on 4.9.2017 and is received by the main office of the Slovenian
Research Agency by 14:00 on 4.9.2017. An application is also considered to
be timely if it is sent by registered mail in Slovenia by 14:00 on 4.9.2017
(determined by the post stamp).
Untimely and incorrectly marked applications will not be considered by
the committee for opening applications and will be returned unopened to the
applicant with an accompanying letter (except in the event that the
applicant’s details on the envelope are illegible and the application must
be opened).
- Date of opening applications
The committee for opening applications will open all applications that
are delivered in time and marked correctly on 7.9.2017 at 10:00, at the
registered office of the Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30,
1000 Ljubljana.
- Deadline for applicant notification on the outcome of the call
The applicants will be notified about the selection of projects following
the Phase I selection in February 2018. The applicants will be notified
about the selection of projects following the Phase II selection in February
- Means, form and deadline for application submission – Phase II
The application submission process will be similar to that of Phase I.
Applicants who will be accepted into Phase II will be notified in writing
about the means, form and deadline for the submission of applications.
- Time, place and person where interested parties can collect the
call documents
15.1 The call documents are available on the Agency’s
website (
15.2 All additional information in connection with the
call can be found on the Agency’s website at or at
the Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana or by
calling +386 (0)1 400 5960 (Ms. Vanja Rodič, Ms. Almira Bremec, Ms. Alja
Kastelic Primc, Ms. Mateja Gašpirc and Ms. Tina Valenci).
Number: 6316-15/2017-22
Date: 12.6.2017
Slovenian Research Agency
Prof. Dr. József Györkös
Managing Director
Published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No.
30/2017, on 16.6.2017.