Št. |
Slovenski partner |
Slovenska ustanova |
Nemški partner |
Nemška ustanova |
Projekt |
Opombe |
Št. projekta |
1 |
Dr. Mojca Benčina |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Nick Read
Rutherford Building
Edinburgh |
CAMP Imaging Biomolecular networks in Living Fungal Cells
II |
extension of the
project - PSP 1/2004 |
PSP 1/2005 |
2 |
dr. Jelka BRECELJ |
Klinični Center Ljubljana
Zaloška cesta 2
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Dorothy Thompson
Eye Clinic
Visual Electrophysiology Unit |
Investigation of ERG Stimuli for Use in Infants without Sedation |
new project |
PSP 2/2005 |
3 |
dr. Igor EMRI |
Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za strojništvo
Aškerečva 6
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Julius Kaplunov
University of Manchester, Department of Mathematics |
Simultaneous Determination of Viscoelastic Material
Functions |
extension of the
project - PSP 3/2004 |
PSP 3/2005 |
4 |
dr. Nevenka KOŽUH ERŽEN |
Univerza v Ljubljani
Veterinarska fakulteta
Gerbičeva 60
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Alilstair Boxall
University of York |
Environmental of Veterinary Medicines |
new project |
PSP 4/2005 |
5 |
dr. Jožica FRIEDRICH |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Sudaxshina Murdan |
School of Pharmacy
London |
An Investigation into the Potential of Keratinase Enzyme
to Enhance Drug Delivery to the Nail |
extension of the
project PSP 4/2004 |
PSP 5/2005 |
6 |
dr. Simon HORVAT |
Univerza v Ljubljani
Biotehniška fakulteta
Jamnikarjeva 101
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Jim McWhir
Roslin Institute |
Elucidating the Function of Raidd and Socs2 genes using
Gene Targeting |
extension of the
project PSP 7/2004 |
PSP 6/2005 |
7 |
dr. Miha HUMAR |
Univerza v Ljubljani
Biotehniška fakulteta
Jamnikarjeva 101
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Sam Amartey |
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College High Wycome |
Bioremediation of Preservative Treated Wood Wastes –
Selection of Proper Nutrient Medium for Scale up |
co-operation by e-mail |
PSP 29/2005 |
8 |
dr. Vlasta JENČIČ |
Univerza v Ljubljani
Veterinarska fakulteta
Gerbičeva 60
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Brian Austin |
Herriot Watt University, Riccarton Edinburgh
Scotland |
Emerging Bacterial Fish diseases |
new project |
PSP 7/2005 |
9 |
dr. Vojkan JOVIČIČ |
IRGO – Inštitut za rudarstvo, geo in okolje
Slovenčeva 93
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Beatrice Baudet |
University College London
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Prevention of Collapse of Natural Slopes |
extension of the
project PSP 24/2004 |
PSP 8/2005 |
10 |
dr. Venčeslav KAUČIČ |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Prof. Michael W, Anderson |
Centre for Microporous Materials
Chemistry Department, UMIST |
A Study of crystal Growth in New Metal-modified Zeolithic
Materials Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy |
extension of the
project PSP 10/2004 |
PSP 9/2005 |
11 |
dr. Spomenka KOBE |
Institut Jožef Stefan
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana |
Prof.IR Harris
The University of Birmingham
School of Metallurgy and Materials |
A Hydrogen Storage Device for Low-Cost, Environmentally
Friendly Transportation |
extension of the
project PSP 10/2004 |
PSP 10/2005 |
12 |
dr. Maja KOVAČ |
Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
Večna pot 111
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. David Hanke, Dr. Alex Murphy
University of Cambridge |
Identification of genes involved in Potato Defense
against viruses |
new project |
PSP 11/2005 |
13 |
dr. Peter KOKOL |
Univerza v Mariboru
Visoka zdravstvene šola
Žitna ulica 5
2000 Maribor |
Dr. Gail Mountain
Shefffield Hallam University
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing |
POPPIE: Promoting the Involvement of Older People in
Partneship Working |
new project |
PSP 12/2005 |
14 |
dr. Peter KRAJNC |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Dr. Neil R. Cameron |
University of Durham |
Acrylacrytes of reactive Monomers for monolithic Polymer
Supports |
extension of the
project PSP 12/2004 |
PSP 13/2005 |
15 |
dr. Matjaž KUNAVER |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Prof.J.T. Guthrie |
University of Leeds |
Synthesis and Characterisation of Polymers from Renewable
Sources |
extension of the
project PSP 12/2004 |
PSP 14/2005 |
16 |
dr. Matic LEGIŠA |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Michal Mattey
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow |
Regulaton of Metabolism in Aspergillus Niger |
co-operation by e-mail |
PSP 30/ 2005 |
17 |
dr. Viktor MENART |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr.Barbara Mulloy
National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
Hertfordshire |
Interactions between Heparin and TNF-ALPHA Analogues or
Lymphotoxin-Alpha: Implications in Cancer Therapy |
project rejected |
PSP 25/2005 |
18 |
dr. Majda NAJI |
Zavod za šolstvo Republike Slovenije
Poljanska 28
1000 Ljubljana |
Liz Singleton
Association for Science Education, Other LEAs to be
determined |
Developing the the Science Curriculum for Children with
Special Educational
Needs |
new project, project confirmed |
PSP 15/2005 |
19 |
dr. Marina NOVAK |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za strojništvo
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Dr. Trevor K. Hellen
University of Bristol
Bristol. BS35 England |
Intelligent Advisory System for Effective Use of Finite
Elements |
new project |
PSP 16/2005 |
20 |
dr. Zoran NOVAK |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Prof. Paul Hamley
School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham |
Towards Cleaner Oxydation Processes: Synthesis and and
Application of Aerogel Catalysts: (extension of the project) |
extension of the
project PSP - 14/2004 |
PSP 17/2005 |
21 |
Kemijski institut
Hajdrihova 19
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Anthony Meager
National Institute of Biological Standards and Control
Biological Testing of TNF- ALPHA Analogues on Hepatocytes
in vitro |
project rejected |
PSP 26/2005 |
22 |
dr. Peter PLANINŠIČ |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Dr. Panagiotis Liatsis
City University, London |
Traffic Scene Analysis and Supervision Using Artificial
Intelligence |
extension of the
project PSP 15/2004 |
PSP 18/2005 |
23 |
dr. Maja RAVNIKAR |
Nacionalni inštitut Ljubljana
Večna pot 111
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Neil Boonham
Central Science Laboratory
York |
Molecular Basis of Symptoms Expression in Potato after
Virus Infection |
new project |
PSP 19/2005 |
24 |
Univerza v Ljubljani
Medicinska fakulteta
Vrazov trg 2
1000 Ljubljana |
Nabeel A. Affara
University of Cambridge
Department of Pathology |
Gene expression associated with apoptosis during the
first wave of spermatogenesis |
new project |
PSP 20/2005 |
25 |
dr. Marjana SIMONIČ |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Dr. Bhaskar Sengupta, Prof. A:J. Allen
Queen´s University Belfast, Dpt Chemical Engineering |
Industrial Pollution and Sustainable Development |
project rejected |
PSP 20/2005 |
26 |
dr. Zdenka ŠLEJKOVEC |
Institut Jožef Stefan
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana |
Prof. Hylke J. Glass
University of Exeter |
Safety Assessment and Remediation Strategies for Heavily
arsenic-contamined Sites |
extension of the
project PSP 19/2004 |
PSP 21/2005 |
27 |
dr. Tomi TRILAR |
Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Prešernova 20
1000 Ljubljana |
Dr. Mihael R. Wilson
National Museums and Galleries of Wales
Head of entomology Section, Dpt of Biodiversity &systematic Biology |
The distribution and Biodiversity of Auchenorrhyncha
(Leafhoppers and
Planthoppers) |
extension of the
project PSP 13/2004 |
PSP 22/2005 |
28 |
dr. Bojana VONČINA |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za strojništvo
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Prof. Martin J. Snowden
The University of Greenwich |
Drug delivers Systems in medical textiles |
new project |
PSP 23/2005 |
29 |
dr. Franc ZUPANIČ |
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za strojništvo
Smetanova 17
2000 Maribor |
Derek Hendley
Ross&Catherall Ltd. |
Experimental Approach to Continuous Casting of Ni-based
Superalloy such as GMR 235 and IN 713C |
project rejected |
PSP 28/2005 |
30 |
LIMNOS-Podjetje za aplikativno ekologijo
Požarnica 41
1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljana |
Dr. Ian Maddock
University College Worcester
Department for Applied Sciences
Geography and Archaeology |
Rapid Physical Habitat Assessment of Rivering Ecosystems
using GPS Based Field Surveys |
new project |
PSP 24/2005 |