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First publication: Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no.
12-363/2005 issued: 10 February 2005, in force since: 11 February 2005
Changes included in the consolidated version: Rules amending the Rules on the
(Co)Financing of Basic, Applied and Postdoctoral Research Projects (Official
Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 49-1982/2005), published: 18 May 2005,
in force since: 19 May 2005
Rules on the Co-financing of Basic, Applied and Postdoctoral Research Projects
Article 1
(Content of the Rules)
These Rules shall define the conditions, criteria, indicators and procedure for
evaluating and selecting applications for basic, applied and postdoctoral
research projects for (co)financing, the monitoring and supervision of project
realisation, and the method for informing the public of the research results.
Article 2
(Project Definitions)
For the purposes of these Rules the following definitions of terms shall
- basic project means experimental or theoretical work undertaken
primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundations of
phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in
- applied project is also original investigation undertaken in order to
acquire new knowledge. It is however, directed towards a specific practical
aim or objective. Applied research may include industrial research, which
- 2.1. industrial research is planned research or critical testing to
acquire new knowledge with the aim of using that knowledge in the
development of new products, processes or services, or introducing
significant improvements to existing products, processes or services
- postdoctoral project means a basic or applied activity implemented so
that a researcher can acquire additional research experience and knowledge
subsequent to a doctorate and also to provide additional training to
Slovenians that do not hold Slovenian citizenship but have come to Slovenia,
and to foreign citizens that may compete under the same conditions as
citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Basic, applied and postdoctoral
projects may be oriented towards research subjects that are determined by
the public call.
Article 3
(Neutral Grammatical Forms)
The terms used in the masculine form in the Slovenian original of these Rules
shall refer neutrally to both men and women.
Article 4
(Composition of Project Groups)
A research project shall be carried out by a project group which shall
comprise a project head, researchers, and technical staff.
Article 5
(Free Research Capacity)
Project group must have free capacity to realize the research project. A
research project head employed by an organisation applying for a project must
have at least 170 hours of free research time available. The number of research
hours without payment for an individual researcher on a research project shall
not exceed 340 hours at the appropriate price category.
Article 6
(Minimum Duration)
The minimum duration for a basic project shall usually be 1360 research hours
per year. The minimum duration for an applied project shall usually be 680
research hours per year. The minimum duration for a postdoctoral project shall
usually be 1700 research hours per year in price category B.
The duration of a research project shall usually be calculated in multiples
of 340 research hours per year.
Article 7
The Slovenian Research Agency (hereinafter: the Agency) shall finance up to
100 per cent of eligible project costs for basic projects. It shall co-finance
up to 75 per cent of eligible project costs for the implementation of applied
research projects. An applicant for an applied project must ensure coverage of
at least 25 per cent of eligible project costs from other interested users, and
submit proof of co-financing.
Without prejudice to the provision of the preceding paragraph, the Agency
shall co-finance up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs for industrial
research. The proportion of co-financing for industrial research may be
- by ten percentage points, for a natural person or a small or medium
sized enterprise (in accordance with the definition of companies from the
applicable act regulating companies)
- by ten percentage points, if the research project is implemented in a
region for which state aid, in accordance with regulations on the allocation
of state aid, is granted to promote regional economic growth due to a low
standard of living or high unemployment, or by five percentage points, if
the research project is implemented in a region for which state aid, in
accordance with regulations on the allocation of state aid, is granted to
promote specific economic activities and specific economic regions
- by 15 percentage points, if a research project in accordance with the
objectives of a specific project or programme within an EU Framework
Programme for research and technological development (or by 25 percentage
points if the project includes cross-border cooperation between companies
and public research institutions and the results are widely accessible and
published with regard for intellectual property rights)
- by ten percentage points, if the research project is not in accordance
with the objectives or an individual project or programme within an EU
framework project for research and technological development, if one of the
following conditions is fulfilled:
- the project includes effective cooperation between companies and
public research institutions, particularly in relation to coordination
of national policy on research and technological development
- the project results are widely accessible and published, licences
are issued for patents or other activities take place under conditions
similar to the provisions for the dissemination of results of EU
research and technological development programmes.
The percentage points from the preceding paragraph may be aggregated, but the
total level of assistance cannot exceed 75 per cent of eligible project costs.
If the funds are allocated to a small or medium sized enterprise for a
restructuring programme, then the aid must be reported to the European
Commission before allocation.
Article 8
(Eligible Project Costs)
The basis for determining the extent of funds for implementing research
projects shall be defined by the applicable regulations on normative and
standards for the allocation of funds for research activities, taking into
account the restrictions defined in Article 7 of these Rules. Eligible project
costs shall include:
- personnel costs (researchers, technical staff, and other support
- costs for instruments, equipment, equipment rental, land, plantations,
animals, and buildings used permanently and exclusively for research
- consultancy costs and services used exclusively for research activities,
including research work, technical knowledge, patents, etc., which are
purchased from external sources
- additional costs arising from research activities
- other operating activities (e.g. material costs, energy and other
products), which arise from research work.
I. Public Tenders
Article 9
(Basis for Public Tender)
The Director of the Agency may set up a working body to propose a public call
for the co-financing of research projects. The working body must follow the
National Research and Development Programme, the approved budget, and annual
policy of the ministry responsible for science determining the allocation of
funds among fields of science and determining subject areas with specific
research themes.
Article 10
(Issue of Public Tender)
At least once a year, the Agency shall issue a public call in the Official
Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia for the selection of projects for basic,
applied and postdoctoral projects within the framework of:
- natural sciences
- engineering
- biotechnical sciences
- medical sciences
- social sciences
- humanities, and
- interdisciplinary sciences.
The Agency shall also issue the public call with additional documents on its
Article 11
(Content of Public Call)
The public call shall include:
- the legal basis for a call
- the name and registered office of the Agency
- the subject of public call
- research themes for thematic call
- objectives or anticipated results
- format and deadline for project applications
- conditions, criteria and indicators for project selection
- project duration
- planned level of funds available for subject of public call
- the time limit within which applicants will be informed of the selected
- date of opening (recording by e-mail) of applications, and
- location, time, and personnel from whom interested parties may obtain
additional documents.
Article 12
(Tender Dossier)
Applicants shall apply for the public call in accordance with the additional
documents. A tender application must include:
- the applicant's details
- details on the project co-financer(s)
- name and surname of the project head
- details on the research group in which project implementation is to be
organised, on research groups participating in realization
- the project title
- objectives and a brief project description (max. 300 words)
- research or theme area of project, and project type
- project duration
- funds required to realize the project or number of research hours
classified into:
- 9.1. time schedule for use of funds
- co-financing details
- 10.1. Slovenian
- 10.2. foreign
- project proposal, including:
- 11.1. presentation of research
- 11.2. compliance of research project with tendered research subjects
- 11.3. review of relevant own and foreign research
- 11.4. presentation of hypotheses
- 11.5. detailed description for scientific methods for achieving
- 11.6. expected results and their significance:
- 11.6.1. for scientific development
- 11.6.2. for commercial and other use
- 11.7. schedule for research work
- details on research equipment:
- 12.1. research equipment available and required for project
implementation, value above EUR 5,000 in tolar equivalent on the day the
application is submitted
- 12.2. leasing of research equipment required
- 12.3. research equipment lacking, which is a condition for project
implementation with value over EUR 5,000 in tolar equivalent per unit on
the day the application is submitted, and submitted request for purchase
from budget funds
- presentation of international contacts:
- 13.1. cooperation in international projects
- 13.2. other forms of international cooperation
- details on researchers and technical staff in the project group:
- 14.1. from the organisation concluding the contract with the Agency:
- code from records on researchers and technical staff
- name and surname of researchers and technical staff
- function in the project group
- employment status
- effective research hours for individual researcher or technical
- 14.2. from other research organisations:
- title of research organisation
- details on the research unit in the research organisation
- details defined in point 14.1
- proof of meeting the evaluation criteria from Articles 23, 24 and 25 of
these Rules
- references on the qualifications of the project head and other
- name and surname of peer the project head does not want to assess the
- signature of applicant and authorised officer of the contractor or co-financer
- additional details relating to application for industrial research
- 19.1. statement on whether the project is implemented by a natural
person or a small or medium sized enterprise, in accordance with the
definition of companies in the applicable companies act
- 19.2. whether the research project is implemented in regions for
which state aid, in accordance with regulations on the allocation of
state aid, is granted to promote regional economic growth due to a low
standard of living or high unemployment, or whether the research project
is implemented in regions for which state aid, in accordance with
regulations on the allocation of state aid, is granted to promote
specific economic activities and specific economic regions
- 19.3. if the content of the research project complies with the
objectives of an individual project or programme within an EU framework
programme for research and technological development, details on the
- 19.3.1. whether the project includes cross-border cooperation
between companies and public research institutions
- 19.3.2. whether the results are widely accessible and published
with regard for intellectual property rights
- 19.4. if the content of the research project is not in compliance
with the objectives or an individual project or programme within an EU
framework programme for research and technological development, details
on the following:
- 19.4.1. whether the project includes effective cooperation
between companies and public research organisations, particularly in
relation to coordination of national policy on research and
technological development
- 19.4.2. whether the project results are widely accessible and
published, licences are issued for patents or other activities take
place under conditions similar to the provisions for the
dissemination of results of EU research and technological
development programmes.
These details shall be submitted on the forms designated by the Agency for
basic research projects, applied research projects, and industrial research
projects, with an emphasis on details of significance to the type of research or
project work.
Article 13
(Tender Conditions)
Applications for a public call may be submitted by legal or natural persons
entered in the Agency’s databases of research organisations that fulfil the
conditions prescribed by the Research and development activities act and these
Article 14
(Application Format)
In general applications shall be made in electronic format. An applicant
shall complete the application form for a basic research project in Slovene and
English or another world language specified in the call. Application forms for
applied research projects shall be completed in Slovene. Applications must be
certified with an authorised digital certificate for all the persons stated in
points 3 and 18 of Article 12 of these Rules.
If an application is sent by post, five copies of the basic research project
application form must be completed. Three copies shall be completed in Slovene,
and two copies in English or another world language stated in the public call.
Three application forms for applied research projects shall be completed, in
Slovene. The application must be signed by all the persons from points 3 and 18
from Article 12 of these Rules.
The receipt of a application shall be confirmed on the application form. One
form confirmed in this manner shall be returned to the applicant.
II. Managing procedures
Article 15
(Agency Official)
The Agency shall coordinate and organise evaluation procedures, which shall
be implemented by the Agency's Scientific Council with the permanent expert
bodies in accordance with the Rules on the Organisation and Competent Expert
Bodies for Research Activities.
The Director of the Agency shall authorise a public official authorised for a
specific field of science at the Agency (hereinafter: Agency Official) to
coordinate and organise evaluation procedures and procedures to select and
monitor the implementation of co-financing for research projects.
Article 16
(Application Processing)
Applications that contain all the information and proofs required by the
public call and additional documents shall be eligible for the research project
selection procedure, if they are submitted to the Agency within the deadline
specified within the public call.
Article 17
(Commission for the Opening of Applications)
The Director shall appoint an application opening commission with at least
twelve members for the opening and review of submitted applications (hereinafter:
the Commission). At least six members of the Commission must be Agency employees.
Applications submitted to the Agency within the deadline set within the
public call shall be considered as submitted on time.
Article 18
(Commission Tasks)
The Commission from the preceding Article shall decide whether applications
have the correct fulfil, are on time and complete at a session called by the
President of the Commission.
Article 19
(Commission Minutes)
Minutes of the session shall be kept and then signed by the President and
members of the Commission.
The minutes shall contain at least:
- the address, location and time the application are opened
- the subject of public call
- the names of the Commission members present
- the title of applicants submitting applications, and
- findings on whether applications are complete, with a statement of those
not submitting complete applications.
Article 20
(Supplementing Applications)
The Commission shall review the submitted applications within seven days of
the deadline for submission of applications.
If the Commission finds that the documentation is incomplete, it shall call
on the applicant to supplement the application and set a deadline for
supplementing the documentation, which shall not be longer than eight days.
If the applicant rectifies the deficiencies before the deadline, the
application shall be considered as complete.
If the applicant does not supplement the application in accordance with the
request and within the deadline from the second paragraph of this Article, the
applicant shall be rejected by means of a decision being issued. An appeal can
be made against the resolution within eight days of it being served, and shall
be decided on by the Director of the Agency. His decision shall be final.
Documentation submitted shall be returned to the applicant when the case is
Article 21
(Complete Applications)
Applications that the Commission considers on time, fully equipped and
complete shall proceed to the evaluation procedure.
Article 22
(Confidentiality of Information and Documentation)
The information and documentation contained in applications for project
proposals may be used as internal material for the duration of the project
selection. III. Evaluation conditions, criteria and indicators for assessing
research projects
Article 23
(Qualifications of Project Group Members for Basic Research
A basic research project group shall demonstrate its qualification, if:
- the project head and one third of the active researchers working on the
research project with free capacity:
- fulfils the legally defined conditions for a research project head,
- meet a minimum of 20 points from scientific citations defined in
points 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.6 or in humanistic subjects in point 1.5
from Article 30 of these Rules in the last five years (the number of
points shall be divided by the number of authors for an individual
publication, if the number of authors is greater than 20, it shall be
divided by 20)
- demonstrate citations in scientific articles in journals defined in
Article 30 of these Rules in the last five years (self-references are
not taken into account)
- demonstrate active international cooperation in the last five years.
- the group's research equipment or rented equipment enables the
implementation of the research project.
Article 24
(Qualifications of Project Group Members for Applied
Research Projects)
An applied research project group shall demonstrate its qualification, if:
- the research project head and one third of the active researchers
working on the research project with free capacity:
- fulfils the legally defined conditions for a research project head,
- meet a minimum of 20 points from the scientific citations defined in
points 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.6 or in humanistic subjects in point 1.5
from Article 30 of these Rules in the last five years (the number of
points shall be divided by the number of authors for an individual
publication, if the number of authors is greater than 20, it shall be
divided by 20)
- demonstrate citations in scientific articles in the journals defined
in Article 30 of these Rules (self-references are not taken into account),
or a patent in the last ten years or demonstrate successful cooperation
with users in the last five years
- the group's research equipment or rented equipment enables the
implementation of the research project.
Article 25
(Conditions for Postdoctoral Research Projects)
Postdoctoral research projects shall demonstrate compliance, if:
- the head fulfils the legally determined conditions for a research
project head and can also demonstrate above average research results as
defined in Article 30 of these Rules
- the only member with research hours is a researcher who is younger than
35 years and who has defended their thesis within the last three years and
can demonstrate at least one scientific citation (including co-authorship)
referred to in Article 30, or
- the only member with research hours is a researcher native of Slovenia,
with or without Slovenian citizenship, who has lived abroad until the
applicant was submitted and is now moving to Slovenia. In such case the age
limit shall not apply, but the single project member must be able to
demonstrate the scientific results referred to in Article 30 of these Rules.
If the single member of a postdoctoral research project with research hours
is a researcher that has made use of maternity or parental leave – with one year
of leave for each child - the age limit from the second point of the first
paragraph of this Article shall be increased beyond 35 years by the duration of
leave taken. The same shall apply in the case of extended (documented) sick
Article 26
(Assessment Criteria)
he criteria for assessing research project proposals shall be:
- project relevance
- research quality of the project content
- project group research qualifications, and
- management capability of the project group.
Article 27
(Relevance Indicator)
The relevance of a research project proposal shall be assessed by indicators
on the compliance of the project proposal’s objectives with the call objectives,
or with research themes in the case of a thematic call.
Article 28
(Content Quality Indicators)
The research quality of the research project proposal shall be assessed by
the following indicators:
- scientific significance of the subject
- whether the theoretical bases are up-to-date and whether the methodology
is appropriate
- potential socio-economic effects, and
- project feasibility with respect to available materials and personnel
capacity of the group.
Article 29
(Group Quality Indicators)
The quality of the project group head and all researchers in the project
group shall be assessed by the following indicators:
- research and development performance indicators as defined in Article 30
and 31 of these Rules in the last five years
- scientific impact of work (citations)
- a selection of the five most significant research and/or development
achievements for each researcher in the group separately
- participation in European Union research programmes and other
international research and/or development programmes and projects, and
- successful research and/or development cooperation with other research
and user organisations
- effectiveness of use of public funds for research and development in the
Article 30
(Research Indicators)
Scientific work shall be assessed in terms of quality. The following
indicators and criteria shall be used for quantitative assessments:
- Scientific articles
- 1.1 Scientific articles in a journal indexed by SCI Expanded with
impact factor:
- in the top quarter of journals in the relevant content category
80 points
- in the second quarter of journals in the relevant content
category 60 points
- in the third quarter of journals in the relevant content
category 40 points
- in the fourth quarter of journals in the relevant content
category 20 points
- 1.2 Scientific articles in a journal indexed by SCI Expanded with an
impact factor
- above the median for journals in a relevant category 80 points
- below the median for journals in a relevant category 40 points
- 1.3 Scientific articles in a journal indexed by A&HCI 20 points
- 1.4 Scientific articles in a journal not indexed by the ISI database,
but which is indexed by an international bibliographical database
specialised in a relevant discipline or subject area 10 points
- 1.5 Scientific articles in other Slovenian scientific journals from
the Agency list 5 points
- 1.6 Short scientific contributions shall be awarded 80 per cent of
the points awarded to full scientific articles in the same category of
- Scientific books
- books issued by an international (scientific) publishing house 100
- books issued by a national (scientific) publishing house 50 points
- books issued by other publishing houses 30 points
The number of points for a chapter or article in a scientific book shall be
the proportion of said text in the whole book multiplied by the maximum number
of points. The total number of points in the COBISS collection for all chapters
of the book must therefore be 100 per cent, i.e. 30, 50 or 100 points. The
minimum number of points for a chapter in a book published by an international
publisher shall be 10 points.
Article 31
(Development Indicators)
The following indicators shall be used to assess development activity and
must be documented by contracted values and/or other relevant evidence:
- transferring knowledge to the commercial sphere (e.g.: introduction of
and/or know-how for new or improved technology, systems, equipment, services
or new or improved products, computer software with manuals, production of
full documentation or manuals, introduction of special production methods,
small and large R&D work, development of new varieties registered in foreign
or Slovenian variety registers, or the development of recognised new
varieties, and other)
- engagement of programme group in undergraduate and postgraduate study
programmes at universities and independent higher education institutions
- higher education text books
- issued patents or sale of patent rights
- development and specialist work to support scientific research (databases,
indicators, specialised thesauruses, dictionaries, lexicons and so on)
- the development of systemic, regulatory, programming, methodological and
organisational solutions including research, evaluation, appraisals,
specialised contributions and papers to meet the requirements of social sub-systems,
- published specialised works.
Article 32
(Administrative Capability Indicators)
The administrative capability of a project group head shall be assessed on
the basis of the following indicators:
- comparison of project objectives with:
- successfully concluded research projects
- project group infrastructure
- project group involvement in domestic economic and local social
networks, and
- international engagement of project group.
- compliance with the applicable regulation on regulatory framework and
standards for allocation of funds to research.
Article 33
(Assessment Criteria)
The Agency shall define additional quantitative criteria for assessing
individual indictors in public call.
IV. Evaluation Procedure
Article 34
(Managing the Procedure)
The Agency shall coordinate and organise evaluation procedures, together with
the Agency's Scientific Council and permanent expert bodies in accordance with
the applicable Rules on the Organisation and Competent Expert Bodies for
Research Activities.
Article 35
The content and relevance of a basic research project proposal shall be
assessed within thirty days of receipt of the proposal by Slovenian and foreign
peers. The content and relevance of a proposal for an applied research project
or postdoctoral research project shall usually be assessed within thirty days of
receipt of the proposal by Slovenian peers, and foreign peers if required. Peers
are defined in the applicable implementing regulations on the organisation and
competence of expert bodies for research activities; they shall make their
assessments in accordance with the applicable implementing regulations on the
organisation and competence of expert bodies for research activities and Article
28 of these Rules. Peers for basic, applied and postdoctoral research projects (hereinafter:
projects) that are not theme-oriented shall be appointed by the discipline
council. Peers for theme-oriented projects shall be appointed by the Agency's
Scientific Council.
Article 36
(National Coordinators)
National coordinators as defined in the applicable implementing regulations
on the organisation and competence of expert bodies for research activities
shall, on the basis of appraisals for projects that are not theme-oriented,
evaluate proposals on the basis of specialist criteria and the indicators and
criteria defined in these Rules and in the public call.
National coordinators shall use the peer reviews, the quantitative indicators
from Articles 30 and 31 of these Rules, the assessments of a project group's
administrative capability prepared by the Agency and its own assessments to
prepare a draft ranking of projects that are not theme-oriented, in a priority
list by research field.
National coordinators shall submit the report on the draft ranking of
projects that are not theme-oriented to the responsible member of the field of
science council in question within 15 days of the end of the time limit for
preparation of peer reviews.
Article 37
(Discipline Councils)
A member of the Agency's Scientific Council responsible for the relevant
field of science or the president of the Agency's Scientific Council for
Interdisciplinary Projects shall prepare assessments of proposals and the
priority list for co-financing projects that are not theme-oriented on the basis
of the following assessments made by the national coordinator: project relevance,
research project content, research qualifications, and project group
administrative capability. The discipline councils shall deliberate the draft
priority list for projects that are not theme-oriented.
Article 38
(Agency Scientific Council)
On the basis of its members' reports, the Agency's Scientific Council shall
deliberate upon and adopt a draft priority list of costed projects for the
selection of projects that are not theme-oriented. The evaluation procedure for
theme-oriented projects shall be carried out by the Agency's Scientific Council.
Once the peer review have been made for theme-oriented projects, members of the
Agency's Scientific Council shall assess the proposals on the basis of
specialist criteria and the indicators and criteria defined in these Rules and
in the public call. Members of the Agency's Scientific Council shall use the
peer review, the quantitative indicators from Articles 30 and 31 of these Rules,
the assessments of a project group's administrative capability prepared by the
Agency and their own assessments to prepare a draft ranking of theme-oriented
projects in an overall priority list. On the basis of its members' reports, the
Agency's Scientific Council shall deliberate upon and prepare a draft list of
costed projects for the selection of theme-oriented projects.
Article 39
(Ranking Criteria)
When ranking project proposals on the relevant priority list, priority shall
be given to a project that demonstrates:
- a higher level of compliance between project objectives and thematic
call objectives
- better quality content and better research indicators
- optimal preparation of the project proposal
- greater opportunities for the application of results in Slovenia
- greater success in project application (value and number of contracts,
cooperation and co-financing with user-organisations)
- greater participation in international research networks.
V. Selection of Projects for Financing
Article 40
(Draft Decision on Selection)
The Agency's Scientific Council shall prepare a draft costed decision on the
selection of an application for research project co-financing from the priority
list. In doing so it shall take into account policies set out in the National
Research and Development Programme and the annual research policy documents
issued by the ministry responsible for science, specific priorities for the
scientific and technological development of the state, and the budget funds
Article 41
(Decision on Selection)
The Director of the Agency shall submit the draft costed decision on the
selection of an application for research project co-financing from the priority
list to the Agency's Management Board for approval. The Management Board shall
pass a decision on the selection of applications for research project co-financing.
The Management Board must state the reasons for their decision in the
explanatory section of the decision.
Article 42
(Notification of Selection)
The Agency shall inform applicants of the results of the selection of project
proposals. The notification of selection shall contain information on the
project co-financing and the amount of funds allocated.
Article 43
Applicants shall have the right to submit an appeal within eight days of
receipt of the notification of selection. The appeal must include a detailed
definition of the reasons for the appeal. The conditions and criteria for
applicant assessment cannot be the subject of appeal.
The submission of an appeal shall not delay the signing of contracts with
selected applicants.
Applicants shall have the right to be informed of the peer reviews.
Applicants may not request information about peers.
Article 44
(Resolution of Appeals)
The Director of the Agency shall appoint an appeal commission to prepare a
draft decision on the appeal. The Director of the Agency shall submit the draft
decision on the appeal to the Management Board for approval. The Management
Board shall issue a decision on the appeal within 30 days of receiving the draft
decision from the preceding paragraph. The Management Board must provide grounds
for its decision. The responsible officer shall inform the applicant of the
appeal's resolution. After the decision resolving the appeal has been passed and
notification sent to the applicant, the Director of the Agency shall publish the
approved list of projects on the Agency website.
VI. Contract on Project Implementation
Article 45
(Conclusion of the Contract)
The Agency shall conclude a contract on the implementation of the selected
projects listed in the decision on selection.
Article 46
(Signing of the Contract)
A draft contract shall be sent for signature by applicants (hereinafter:
Contracted Parties), together with the contract documentation forms. The
Contracted Parties must return the signed contract with the completed forms
within 15 days of receipt thereof.
Article 47
(Deficiencies and Withdrawal from Conclusion of the
If the Agency Official finds that the contractual documentation has not been
correctly completed, he or she shall notify the Contracted Party of the
deficiencies and request that they be corrected within 30 days. If the
Contracted Party does not correct the deficiencies in the contractual
documentation within the set time limit, the Agency shall withdraw from the
contract and inform the Contracted Party thereof within 8 days at the latest.
VII. Monitoring Project Implementation
Article 48
(Veracity of Information)
Contracted Parties shall guarantee the veracity of the information provided in
the documentation.
Article 49
(Monitoring and Supervision)
The Agency shall
monitor and supervise project implementation during every phase on the basis of
annual and final reports on work and funds used, in accordance with the
applicable general acts of the Agency. The Agency may request that the
contractor for an applied project or industrial project submit a report on the
economic and other effects of project result application for five years after
the end of the project.
Article 50
(Regular Reporting)
The project head and
responsible officer of the Contracted Parties shall be responsible for regularly
reporting on the implementation and financing of the project in accordance with
the project contract. The expert bodies of the Agency shall assess annual and
final reports. In the case of co-financed projects, the co-financer's written
annual and final assessments, including explanations of the potential effects of
the project results, shall be included in the assessment of project realisation.
Article 51
(Content of Annual Reports)
The annual report on the results of
completed research work shall contain the project title, name and registered
office of the applicant, name and surname of the project head and contract
number, and a brief report on content and proof of fulfilling the obligations
assumed in relation to the following:
- the project objectives
- realisation
of proposed work programme
- application of results
- grounds for any changes
in the programme
- international cooperation
- research and other results.
annual report must be signed by the project head and responsible officer of the
Contracted Party. Reports in electronic format must be certified with an
authorised digital certificate for the project head and responsible officer of
the Contracted Party.
Article 52
(Content of Final Reports)
The final report on
the results of completed research work shall contain the project title, name and
registered office of the applicant, name and surname of the project head and
contract number, plus a co-financer's report, a consolidated report and proof of
fulfiling the obligations assumed for the entire duration of the project in
relation to the following:
- the project objectives
- report on the
realisation of the proposed work programme
- application of results
- international cooperation
- research and other results.
The final report must
be signed by the project head and responsible officer of the Contracted Party.
Reports in electronic format must be certified with an authorised digital
certificate for the project head and responsible officer of the Contracted Party.
Article 53
(Financial Reports)
In addition to the information referred to in
Articles 51 and 52 of these Rules, Contracted Parties must also submit a
financial report containing a review of the use of funds, in accordance with the
Government approved standards and norms for calculating the price of research
work and project costs. The financial report must be signed by the project head
and responsible officer of the Contracted Party, and by an accountant.
in electronic format must be certified with an authorised digital certificate
for the project head and responsible officer of the Contracted Party, and the
The financial report shall be submitted at the same time as the
reports referred to in Articles 51 and 52 of these Rules.
Article 54
(Changes in
Contracted Parties must inform the Agency of any circumstances
that effect the successful implementation of the project. If the Agency Official
finds that changed circumstances disrupt continuation of a project, he or she
may temporarily suspend financing of the project.
Article 55
(Termination of
Project Implementation)
If it is discovered that a project cannot be
successfully ended for objective circumstances, the project shall be terminated,
but the Contracted Party shall not in that case be required to return the funds
already paid.
If it is discovered that a project cannot be successfully ended
because the project implementer has not fulfilled its contractual obligations,
the Agency shall rescind the contract and demand the return of all funds already
paid, together with penalty interest.
Article 56
(Instructions on the
Implementation of Changes)
The Agency shall issue instructions on the
implementation in the cases of changes to projects on the basis of these Rules.
VIII. Informing the Public and Users
Article 57
(Method of Informing the Public)
The Agency shall inform the public and users about the results of completed
projects via the Agency website, in internal communications, public media, and
at public panel discussions and conferences organised by the Agency.
Article 58
(Publication of Project Results)
Contracted Parties must state when publishing
project results and in any other form of public presentation thereof that the
results are from a project financed from the national budget, and at the Agency's
request they must participate in public information activities organised by the
IX. Forms
Article 59
(Forms and Instructions)
The Director of the Agency
shall approve all the requisite forms, with instructions for completion,
required by these Rules. The forms and instructions must be easily accessible
from the Agency website.
X. Transitional and Final Provisions
Article 60
Director of the Agency must issue the forms and instructions from Article 59 of
these Rules within two months.
Article 61
(Cessation of Application of Previous
On the day these Rules enter into force, the Rules on the Conditions and
Methodology for the Selection and Financing of Basic and Applied Research
Projects (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 21/01 and 38/02)
shall cease to be used.
Article 62
(Applicability of the Rules)
These Rules
shall enter into force the day after their publication in the Official Gazette
of the Republic of Slovenia.