
Field of Research Classification (Classification of ARRS)

1 Natural sciences and mathematics
1.01 Mathematics
1.01.01 Analysis
1.01.02 Topology
1.01.03 Numerical and computer mathematics
1.01.04 Algebra
1.01.05 Graph theory
1.01.06 Probability and statistics
1.02 Physics
1.02.01 Physics of condensed matter
1.02.02 Theoretical physics
1.02.03 Astronomy
1.02.04 Meteorology and oceanography
1.02.05 Medium-and low-energy physics
1.02.06 Experimental physics of elementary particles
1.02.07 Biophysics
1.02.08 Medical physics
1.03 Biology
1.03.01 Zoology and zoophysiology
1.03.02 Botany
1.03.03 Ecosystems
1.03.04 Plant physiology
1.04 Chemistry
1.04.01 Phyisical chemistry
1.04.02 Structural chemistry
1.04.03 Inorganic chemistry
1.04.04 Organic chemistry
1.04.05 Analytical chemistry
1.04.06 Geochemistry
1.05 Biochemistry and molecular biology
1.06 Geology
1.06.01 Mineralogy and petrology
1.06.02 Palaeontology and biostratigraphy
1.06.03 Sedimentology
1.06.04 Geochemistry
1.06.05 Geophysics
1.06.06 Regional geology
1.06.07 Natural resources (mineral and energy raw materials, water)
1.06.08 Environmental geology
1.06.09 Geotechnology
1.06.09 Information systems
1.07 Computer intensive methods and applications
1.07.01 Algorithms
1.07.02 Optimisations
1.07.03 Simulations
1.08 Control and care of the environment
1.09 Pharmacy
2 Engineering sciences and technologies
2.01 Civil engineering
2.01.01 Building materials
2.01.02 Geotechnics
2.01.03 Constructions in civil engineering
2.01.04 Earthquake engineering
2.01.05 Building physics
2.01.06 Computer integrated construction of objects
2.02 Chemical engineering
2.02.01 Transport phenomena
2.02.02 Separation processes
2.02.03 Process system engineering
2.02.04 Catalysis and reaction engineering
2.02.05 Polymer engineering
2.02.06 Biochemical engineering
2.02.07 Inorganic products
2.02.08 Organic products
2.02.09 Ecological technology
2.03 Energy engineering
2.03.01 Efficient energy usage
2.03.02 Fuels and energy conversion technology
2.03.03 Renewable resources and technologies
2.03.04 Energy systems
2.03.05 Systematic research
2.04 Materials science and technology
2.04.01 Inorganic nonmetallic materials
2.04.02 Metallic materials
2.04.03 Polymer materials
2.05 Mechanics
2.05.01 Analytical mechanics
2.05.02 Experimental mechanics
2.05.03 Numerical modelling
2.05.04 Construction mechanics
2.05.05 Fluid mechanics
2.06 Systems and cybernetics
2.06.01 Control systems technology
2.06.02 System theory and control systems
2.06.03 Methods and tools for design and implementation of control systems
2.06.04 Elements of control systems
2.06.05 Application areas
2.06.06 Related areas
2.06.07 Biomedical technics
2.06.08 Medical electronics
2.06.09 Medical physics
2.06.10 Medical informatics
2.07 Computer science and informatics
2.07.01 Computer structures, systems and networks - software
2.07.02 Computer structures, systems and networks - hardware
2.07.03 Programming technologies - software
2.07.04 Programming technologies - hardware
2.07.05 Information systems - software
2.07.06 Information systems - hardware
2.07.07 Intelligent systems - software
2.07.08 Intelligent systems - hardware
2.08 Telecommunications
2.09 Electronic components and technologies
2.09.01 Materials for electronic components
2.09.02 Electronic components
2.09.03 Microelectronics
2.09.04 Optoelectronics
2.09.05 Vacuum technologies
2.09.06 Characterisation of electronic components and materials
2.10 Manufacturing technologies and systems
2.10.01 Manufacturing cybernetics
2.10.02 Manufacturing technology
2.10.03 Automation
2.10.04 Robotics
2.10.05 Industrial engineering
2.10.06 Welding
2.11 Mechanical design
2.11.01 Basic and system know-how
2.11.02 Special constructions know-how
2.11.03 Special development know-how
2.11.04 Machine parts, engines and devices
2.12 Electric devices
2.12.01 Electromagnetic transformers
2.12.02 Transformers of power electronics
2.12.03 Integrated propulsion systems
2.12.04 Switching devices
2.13 Process engineering
2.13.01 Multi-phase systems
2.13.02 Transmissibility in solids and fluids
2.13.03 Transmission systems
2.13.04 Industrial hazard
2.13.05 Cryogenics
2.13.06 Combustion
2.13.07 Water power
2.14 Textile and leather
2.14.01 Textile and technical fibres
2.14.02 Textile chemistry
2.14.03 Textile-mechanical processes
2.14.04 Confectionery and textile design
2.14.05 Leather manufacturing and leather work
2.15 Metrology
2.15.01 Sensors and data acquisition
2.15.02 Signals and transmission
2.15.03 Processing and evaluation
2.15.04 Metrologies in areas
2.16 Mining and geotechnology
2.16.01 Mining
2.16.02 Dispersive systems
2.16.03 Geotechnology
2.16.04 Geotechnics
2.17 Geodesy
2.19 Traffic systems
2.19.01 Traffic technics and technology
2.19.02 Entrepreneurial logistics
2.19.03 Traffic systems
2.20 Hydrology
2.21 Technology driven physics
2.22 Communications technology
2.22.01 Graphic technology
2.22.02 Interactive technology
3 Medical sciences
3.01 Microbiology and immunology
3.02 Stomatology
3.03 Neurobiology
3.04 Oncology
3.05 Human reproduction
3.06 Cardiovascular system
3.07 Metabolic and hormonal disorders
3.08 Public health (occupational safety)
3.09 Psychiatry
4 Biotechnical sciences
4.01 Forestry, wood and paper technology
4.01.01 Forest - forestry
4.01.02 Wood technology
4.01.03 Paper technology
4.02 Animal production
4.02.01 Genetics and selection
4.02.02 Animal nutrition
4.02.03 Ethology and technology in stock-breeding
4.02.04 Processing of animal raw materials
4.03 Plant production
4.03.01 Agricultural plants
4.03.02 Soil and micro-climate
4.03.03 Water, rural space, environment
4.03.04 Sustainable agriculture
4.03.05 Phytomedicine
4.03.06 Agricultural technics
4.03.07 Technology of vegetal origin food
4.03.08 Economics of agro-food processing and rural development
4.04 Veterinarian medicine
4.04.01 Morphology, physiology and animal reproduction
4.04.02 Animal pathology and epizootiology
4.04.03 Therapy and health prevention of animals
4.04.04 Health care of animals from aspect of herd preservation
4.04.05 Sanitary protection of animal origin food
4.05 Landscape design
4.06 Biotechnology
4.06.01 Recombinant DNA technology
4.06.02 Bio-engineering
4.06.03 Animal biotechnology
4.06.04 Microbe biotechnology
4.06.05 Plant biotechnology
4.06.06 Finishing processes in biotechnology
5 Social sciences
5.01 Educational studies
5.01.01 Pedagogy
5.01.02 Adult education
5.01.03 Special didactics
5.01.04 Orthopedagogy
5.01.05 Kinesiology - pedagogical aspect (sport, training, motorial learning)
5.01.06 Kinesiology - medical aspect (orthopedy, physiatry etc.)
5.01.07 Kinesiology - biomechanical, biometrical aspect
5.02 Economics
5.02.01 Economics
5.02.02 Business sciences
5.03 Sociology
5.04 Administrative and organisational sciences
5.04.01 Public administration
5.04.02 Public services
5.04.03 Management
5.04.04 Logistics
5.05 Law
5.06 Political science
5.06.01 Politology
5.06.02 International relations
5.06.03 Communication science
5.06.04 Defence science
5.07 Criminology and social work
5.08 Urbanism
5.09 Psychology
5.10 Sport
5.10.01 Kinesiology - pedagogical aspect (sport, training, motorial learning)
5.10.02 Kinesiology - medical aspect (orthopedy, physiatry etc.)
5.10.03 Kinesiology - biomechanical, biometrical aspect
5.11 Ethnic studies
5.11.01 Ethnic studies - social science aspect
5.11.02 Ethnic studies - humanistic aspect
5.12 Architecture and Design
5.12.01 Architecture
5.12.02 Design (Industrial, Visual)
5.13 Information science and librarianship
6 Humanities
6.01 Historiography
6.02 Archaeology
6.03 Anthropology
6.03.01 Physical anthropology
6.03.02 Social and cultural anthropology
6.04 Ethnology
6.05 Linguistics
6.05.01 Languages - research
6.05.02 Theoretical and applied linguistics
6.06 Culturology
6.07 Literary sciences
6.08 Musicology
6.09 Art history
6.10 Philosophy
6.11 Theology
6.12 Geography
6.12.01 Physical geography
6.12.02 Social geography
6.12.03 Historical geography
6.12.04 Regional geography
6.12.05 Applied geography
7 Interdisciplinary studies
7.01 NCKS Research programme
7.02 Interdisciplinary research