Complementary schemes |
ERC National Support Instruments |
The European Research Council ERC aims to support scientific excellence
in the European Union and its associated member states, as well as to
attract top scientists from all over the world. ERC in principle
publishes five calls each year. The first one is the call for Starting
Grant and is intended for researchers who obtained their PhD
two to seven years ago. The second one is the call for Consolidator
Grant and is intended for those researchers who are still
consolidating their independent research career and who obtained their
PhD seven to twelve years ago. The third call is intended to support
excellent, already established researchers with recognizable scientific
achievements in the last ten years, Advanced Grant. The
fourth call for applications for ERC Grant is Synergy Grantwhich
is intended for projects in which several principal investigators (from
two to four) participate in a coordinated manner, addressing very
multidisciplinary challenges. In addition to these main categories, the
ERC also provides financial support for the assessment of innovative
potential, Proof of Concept for those ERC Grants who
wish to further develop their research results. The ERC follows only the
criteria of scientific excellence when selecting projects.

To help researchers applying with a Slovenian research organisation as
host institution to be successful in the ERC calls, the Agency offers
applicants four supporting instruments: ERC Focus, ERC Perspective, ERC
Potential and ERC New Horizons. |
ERC Focus
In the ERC Focus call, the Agency (co)finances visits by former and current
ERC principal investigators outside the Republic of Slovenia, who have
already carried out or are currently carrying out ERC Grant (Starting Grant,
Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant) in any scientific discipline. Guest visits for researchers are fixed-term (indivisible) visits
lasting from one to six months.
The aim of the call is to work with a former or current ERC principal
investigator, thereby developing the skills to prepare your own project and
increasing the chances of a Slovenian researcher becoming an ERC Grantee.
After the end of the hosting period, it is compulsory to apply for an ERC
Grant, namely within the period of the first two ERC calls of the same type
after the end of the hosting period. The deadline for applying for an ERC
call is the second possible date of application for the same type of ERC
call, for which the visiting researcher meets the conditions at the time of
application. In the event that the visiting researcher, in relation to the
year of the defense of the first doctorate, fulfils the eligibility
conditions for the higher career level of the ERC calls between the first
and the second possible date of application for the same ERC call and did
not apply for the ERC call on the first possible date, the second possible
date of application for the ERC call at a higher level is taken into account
as the deadline for submitting the application to the ERC call, which is
also determined according to the end of the hosting period.
ERC Perspective
The application for the ERC Perspective research project can be submitted by
applicants for researchers who has submitted application for an ERC call
(Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant or Advanced Grant) in the role of host
research organization in Slovenia and have reached the threshold in the
review process set out in the applicable ERC call, but have not been
selected for ERC funding. The ERC Perspective research project must enable
the realization of research that will lead to the main objectives of the
research project with which the applicant applied for the ERC call.
The purpose of the call is to provide applicants conditions to improve their
own scientific excellence and the original idea of the research project,
with the aim that the ERC Perspective research project's principal
investigator will resubmit the application to the ERC call with a greater
chance of becoming an ERC Grantee.
The ERC Perspective research project's principal investigator must be the
same as the principal investigator of the ERC Grant that was the subject of
the ERC evaluation process. At the same time, the ERC Perspective research
project's principal investigator must not be the holder of an ongoing ERC
Perspective research project on the last day of the deadline for the
submission of applications for calls for ERC Perspective research projects.
The applicant may submit two applications for (co)financing of an ERC
Perspective research project for an individual ERC Perspective research
project's principal investigator, until they have been awarded an ERC Grant
under the same ERC call (Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant and Advanced
Grant), whereby the second application of the ERC Perspective research
project must demonstrate that the ERC Perspective research project's
principal investigator's performance in the ERC call (the threshold for
possible co-funding) has been at least a B grade at the second level. The
applicant can re-submit an application for (co)financing of an ERC
Perspective research project twice for an individual ERC Perspective
research project's principal investigator, until the ERC Grant has been
awarded again under the same ERC call (Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant in
Advanced Grant), whereby the second application of the ERC Perspective
research project must demonstrate that the ERC Perspective research
project's principal investigator's performance in the ERC call (the
threshold for possible co-funding) has been at least a B grade at the second
ERC Potential
The application for the ERC Potential research project can be submitted by
applicants for researchers who has applied for the ERC call (Starting Grant,
Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant and Synergy Grant) in the role of host
research organization in Slovenia and were awarded with ERC Grant.
The purpose of the call for (co)financing of ERC Potential research projects
is to provide initial support for preparation on the implementation of the
awarded ERC Grant, in the interim period between the ERC's announcement of
the (co)financing and the actual start of the ERC Grant’s.
An ERC Potential research project may last for a maximum up to six months
before the start of the ERC Grant. The ERC Grant must be implemented at the
host research organization in Slovenia.
ERC New Horizons
The application for the ERC New Horizons research project can be submitted
by applicants, the research organizations for researchers holding an ERC
Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant or Synergy Grant. The
applicant must have been in the role of host RO in Slovenia in the mentioned
ongoing or completed ERC Grants.
The purpose of the call for ERC New Horizons research projects is to ensure
the retention of the core of an already established research group for the
implementation of the ERC Grant. At the same time the purpose is also
preparation for the resubmission of the application for the ERC call or for
the submission of the application for the calls of the framework program of
the European Union for Research and Innovation as coordinator, and at the
same time to encourage cooperation and transfer of knowledge between
research organizations in Slovenia.
The applicant can apply for (co)financing of the ERC New Horizons research
project for a single ERC principal investigator for the same ERC Grant only
once, namely within a period of one year before the end of the ERC Grant, or
no later than one year after the end of the ERC Grant. The specified
limitation applies to each ERC principal investigator, regardless of the
applicant with whom he/she submits the application.
After the completion of the ERC New Horizons research project, it is
mandatory to apply for the ERC call, or to apply as coordinator to other
calls of the framework program of the European Union for Research and
Innovation. The application must be submitted within the period of the first
two ERC calls of the same type after the completion of the research project,
the deadline for submitting the application to the ERC call being the second
possible date of application to the same type of ERC call, for which the
principal investigator meets the conditions at the time of application. If
the principal investigator of the ERC New Horizons research project fulfils
the conditions for a higher career level of the ERC calls between the first
and the second possible date of application for an ERC call of the same
type, based on the year of defence of the first doctoral thesis, and has not
applied for an ERC call at the first possible date, the second possible date
of application for an ERC call at the higher career level, which is also
determined according to the date of completion of the research project, is
taken into account as the deadline for submitting an application for an ERC
call. In the case of an application as a coordinator of the framework
program of the European Union for Research and Innovation, the application
must be submitted within two years of the completion of the research
project. Otherwise, in accordance with the contract, the Agency will demand
reimbursement of one third of the funds paid.
In addition to the host research organization, the ERC New Horizons research
project must include at least one other participating research organization,
which must be entered in the Register of Research Organizations and must
participate in the research project in a proportion of at least 10% and no
more than 50% of the approved FTE.
ERC Proof of Concept (PoC) – Seal of Excellence
The ERC Proof of Concept funding is made available only to
those who already have an ERC (StG, CoG, AdG, SyG) Grant to establish Proof of
Concept of an idea that was generated in the course of their ERC-funded
projects. Proof of Concept Grants aim at maximising the value of the excellent
research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were
not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to
verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. The
objective is to enable ERC-funded ideas to progress on the path from
ground-breaking research towards innovation.
A Seal of Excellence will be awarded to proposals that have
received a “Pass” mark in all three of the evaluation elements, but cannot be
funded due to lack of budget available to the call. With this label the ERC
recognise the value of project proposals and encourage other funding
organisations to take advantage of the high-quality evaluation process.
ARIS recognizes the evaluation process carried out on the
basis of the ERC call and awarded the Seal of Excellence, and does not carry out
the evaluation process itself. ARIS (co)finances research projects that have not
been accepted for (co)financing by the ERC, but at the same time have not been
accepted for (co)financing by any other organization that finances research
Facts & Figures: ERC Grantees
Facts & Figures 1: Approved ERC Perspective research projects
(startign year of (co)financing)
Year |
Number of approvedERC Perspective research projects |
2024 |
9 |
2023 |
16 |
2022 |
17 |
2021 |
20 |
2020 |
13 |
2019 |
16 |
2018 |
3 |
2017 |
2 |
2016 |
3 |
2015 |
5 |
2014 |
3 |
2013 |
3 |
2012 |
2 |
2011 |
7 |
Facts & Figures 2: ERC Grantees fromSlovenia: Starting Grant,
Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant
Starting year ERC Grant |
PI -ERC Grant |
Research organization |
Project ERC |
26. |
2024 |
prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« and Nanocenter |
CdG |
Hidden metastable mesoscopic states in quantum materials – HIMMS |
25. |
2024 |
izr. prof. dr. Lev Vidmar |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
CoG |
24. |
2024 |
dr. Lea Rems |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko |
StG |
REINCARNATION – Reversible and irreversible cardiac electroporation:
Establishing the fundamentals to advance cardiac treatments |
23. |
2023 |
dr. Tomaž Prosen* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko |
AdG |
QUEST - Quantum Ergodicity: Stability and Transitions |
22. |
2023 |
dr. Saša Čaval* |
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in
umetnosti (ZRC SAZU) |
CoG |
STONE – Unde venis? Unraveling the enigma of stećci tombstones |
21. |
2023 |
dr. Mirjam Mencej |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta |
AdG |
The roles of the agency of the dead in the lives of individuals in
contemporary society |
20. |
2023 |
dr. Zala Lenarčič |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
StG |
DrumS – Weakly driven quantum Symmetries |
19. |
2023 |
dr. Maruša Bradač* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko |
AdG |
FIRSTLIGHT - Exploring Cosmic Dawn with James Webb Space
Telescope |
18. |
2023 |
dr. Franc Forstnerič* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko |
AdG |
HPDR - Holomorphic Partial Differential Relations |
17. |
2023 |
dr. Borut Klabjan |
Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče Koper |
AdG |
OPEN BORDERS - Cold War Europe Beyond Borders. A Transnational
History of Cross-Border Practices in the Alps-Adriatic area from
World War II to the present |
16. |
2022 |
dr. Anna Sandak |
InnoRenew CoE Center odličnosti za raziskave in inovacije na
področju obnovljivih materialov in zdravega bivanjskega okolja |
CoG |
15. |
2022 |
dr. Anna Dragoš* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta |
StG |
PHAGECONTROL - The evolution of host manipulation by
bacteriophage |
14. |
2021 |
dr. Matic Lozinšek |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
StG |
HiPeR-F - Challenging the Oxidation-State Limitations of the
Periodic Table via High-Pressure Fluorine Chemistry |
13. |
2021 |
prof. dr. Matej Praprotnik |
Kemijski inštitut |
AdG |
MULTraSonicA - Multiscale modeling and simulation approaches for
biomedical ultrasonic applications |
12. |
2021 |
prof. dr. Igor Muševič |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
AdG |
LOGOS - Light-operated logic circuits from photonic soft-matter |
11. |
2020 |
prof. dr. Peter Križan |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
AdG |
FAIME - Flavour Anomalies with advanced particle Identification
MEthods |
10. |
2020 |
prof. dr. Jernej Ule |
Kemijski inštitut |
AdG |
RNPdynamics - Multivalent interactions driving RNP dynamics in
development and disease |
9. |
2020 |
dr. Nejc Hodnik* |
Kemijski inštitut |
StG |
123STABLE – Razvoj zelo stabilnih nanostrukturiranih
elektrokatalizatorjev |
8. |
2020 |
dr. Matjaž Humar* |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
StG |
Celični laserji: Povezovanje optičnih resonanc z biološkimi
procesi |
7. |
2019 |
doc. dr. Jaka Tušek |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo |
StG |
SUPERCOOL - Superelastične porozne strukture za učinkovito
elastokalorično hlajenje |
6. |
2018 |
prof. dr. Roman Jerala* |
Kemijski inštitut |
AdG |
MaCChines - Molekulski stroji na osnovi proteinskega origamija iz
obvitih vijačnic |
5. |
2018 |
prof. dr. Matevž Dular |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo |
CoG |
CABUM - Kavitacija - od preprečevanja njenega nastanka do njene
uporabe |
4. |
2017 |
prof. dr. Marta Verginella* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta |
AdG |
EIRENE - Povojne tranzicije v perspektivi spola |
3. |
2016 |
prof. dr. Tomaž Prosen* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko |
AdG |
OMNES - Odprti mnogodelčni neravnovesni sistemi |
2. |
2013 |
prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović* |
Institut »Jožef Stefan« |
AdG |
TRAJECTORY - Koherentni trajektoriji skozi fazne prehode z zlomom
simetrije |
1. |
2011 |
prof. dr. Nedjeljka Žagar |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko |
StG |
MODES - Analiza atmosferskega ravnovesja, napovedljivosti in
klime s pomočjo normalnih načinov |
Facts & Figures 3: ERC Grantees from Slovenia - Synergy grant
Starting year ERC Grant |
PI ERC Grant |
Research organization |
Project ERC
1. |
2023 |
Prof. dr. Bojan Mohar* |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko |
SyG |
KARST – »Predicting flow and transport in complex Karst systems« |
Facts & Figures 4: ERC Grantees from Slovenia-Proof of Concept
Facts & Figures 5: ERC Focus – approved